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2 months later

I broke down and cried. I was too tired and too stressed out to talk. One, finals is this week. Second, beliebers are sending me hate on my twitter. Third, Justin hasn't called me yet from his tour. Now here I am, sitting in my bed with books and my computer stacked around me.

I'm too stressed from the final exams for senior year and I am praying for all of it to be done, but that meant studying, and if I want to go to college I have to ace this exams. I stayed up late last night just to study science.

People have been hating me on Twitter lately and I don't really know why. It was either because Justin took me to New York this month during sring break or because Justin posted a picture of us kissing on his Instagram.

Justin hasn't called me yet for two weeks after he brought me to New York. I don't know if I should be worried because he probably can't contact me or be scared that he might be talking to other girls. Jackie has been giving me stupid scenerios this past week and I couldn't stop and think that maybe either of them were true.

As I bawled on my pillow, my phone rang. Patting my bed and looking for my phone, I answered the call without bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Babe!" Justin exclaimed. Hearing his voice, I cried more to my pillow. "Babe? Babe, are you okay?" He asked.

"No." I said honestly. "I have finals this week and I'm too damn tired to look at my textbooks. I mean, I have to memorize this shit for the exams? I had to stay up last night because I had to study for science. Then my phone keeps on lighting up because people are sending me hate and I don't even know why! And you haven't called for almost two weeks and I was getting worried because Jackie keeps on giving me this possible scenerios and even if I don't believe them and... and..." I rambled on and buried my face in my pillow and let the tears fall out.

"Babe," Justin said through the receiver. "Babe."

"Yes?" I managed to say, trying to gasp for breath.

"Breathe." He said. I chuckled and gasped for air, feeling much better. "Are you good now?"

I nodded, forgetting that Justin can't see me. "Yes." I managed to say.

"LIsten okay?" I nodded my head. "Close your eyes. Just do that." I sighed and did what he ordered. "Now imagine this is us, you and me. You are my girl now." I nodded and sniffled. "Don't cry, I don't let you cry, I know you exist.

"I know how much you love me. I know the bad things they say to you because you like me. Sorry I can't meet you at the moment but you have to know I do this; I close my eyes and I imagine you, here with me. I want you to imagine the same thing. Don't cry, please. Just smile. I want you. I like you. I love you." He paused after he said that. "Promise me that you will love me, too. No matter what. You know I'm not just your idol, I'm yours and you are mine. No, I don't want you to have a boyfriend; I'm your boyfriend. Just close your eyes. Smile. I'm here. I love you. I can't answer all your messages because I don't have a lot of time, but I do see your messages and I smile, so keep sending them. I love you." He ended.

"I love you, too, Justin." I said back to him, wiping my tears away.

"Are you okay now?" He asked.


"Good, now turn around." He ended the call. With a confused face, I turned around.

Justin was standing on my door, flowers on his hand. His friends were there, videotaping the whole thing. I felt my eyes watering again and I covered my face, crying on my palms.

"Babe." He put down the flowers on my bed and hugged me. "Why are you crying?" He asked when he lifted my chin up and tucking in my hair behind my ears, wiping my tears away.

"Because you're here." I said, hugging him tightly and crying on his chest. "Then you come here with your friends and you videotaped the whole thing and I look like shit and then I have a feeling your going to post it on Instagram." I cried on is chest.

"Babe," He grinned as I slapped him on the chest. "I'm sorry." He said, pressing his lips against mine.

"Hey, Sherlyn." Chaz said, putting his phone in front of my face. I slapped the phone away, making both Ryan and Chaz laugh.

"Go away, Chaz!" I said, hugging Justin tightly.

"Ooh, someone's grumpy." Ryan laughed. I gave him the middle finger, making him shut up. "Watch your hands, baby." He emphasizes the word baby, since Justin calls me that a lot.

"Shut up." I nuzzled my face on Justin's neck. They both laughed and left my room, probably going to the kitchen since my mother was there.

"Hey," Justin said, hugging me tighter. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, now that you're here." I sniffled. I felt Justin pull his head back and kissed me on the lips.

"I'm sorry, I was supposed to surprise you." He confessed.

"I don't care, at least you're here." I said. We both laid down on my bed, letting the silence envelope us. "I love you." I said quietly.

"I love you, too." He smiled, kissing me lightly on the lips. "Can you smile for me, baby?"


Aw, last update! :'( I thought it was so cute to put a gif so there's a gif of Justin ----> And the song Die In Your Arms is there because I thought it fits this chapter. Bye guys!

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