Chapter 20

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It felt great stepping on the room of my studio. My favorite people sat down on the velveted couch, the equipment stored and ready to go, and the instruments ready to be played. I realized how important this is for me to let go.

"Justin!" One of my friends called me. I had a huge grin on my face before giving my friends manly hugs.

"Justin," Scooter said proffessionally, giving me a hand. "welcome back." He smiled. I smiled wider and crushed him instead of shaking his hand.

"It's good to be back." I exclaimed like a child. Even if I don't admit, I was glad I came back to my studio. My place. My home.

"So," Scooter said, "ready for your new song?" He asked. I nodded my head excitedly before sitting down next to him and started to make a beat.


The next day, I was beyond psyched for recording the new song. It took us the whole day to write the whole songs, and I was exhausted yet excited at the same time. It was a special song, a song I wrote over the year while I was at break.

This song had a special meaning. It was a song about moving on from Selena and finding the person I loved the most; Sherlyn. It's still a pop song, but the words are meaningful. You could hear the meaning behind the words, and you could really hear how much I really loved Sherlyn.

Sherlyn. I always sigh everytime I hear her name. She had a big effect on me, and it was weird, too. I have never ever felt this good with a girl before. Her touch sends jolts in my spine. My heart beats faster when I look at her. It was funny how somebody that I was supposed to be using became somebody that I loved.

My features darken. How could I forget about that. At some point in our life, I will have to tell her the truth. That I only used her to get over Selena, but eventually fell in love with her. THat was the important thing, right? I fell in love with her, so there really wasn't a mistake I made there.

"Justin," Scooter interrupted my thoughts. I looked up from the paper I was staring at.


"I asked if you would want to grab some lunch. I'm kinda starving." Scooter repeated his question.

I blinked and shook my head. "No need, I'm waiting for somebody."

"Sherlyn?" He asked curiously.

I felt my neck creep with heat as Scooter rolled his eyes on me an started fixing his stuff. His expression went serious. "You do know you have to tell her sooner rather than later." He said, giving me a look.

"I know, I've been thinking about it," I said truthfully. "It's been running in my head lately."

"You know what you've got to do." Scooter warned before heading for the door. "See ya!" He said before leaving.

I sighed and stood up, getting something from my bag. I heard the door open and I assumed it was Scooter. "Hey, man, did you forget anything?" I looked up and widened my eyes. It wasn't Scooter that was on the doorframe, yet it was someone who I despised, Selena.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her, keeping my distance.

"Justin," Selena tried going closer, but I stepped backwards. She sighed and said, "I know you're mad at me, but I just wanted to let you know that I want you back." She smiled shyly at me.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed. "I already have a girlfriend!"

"Justin, we all know you still love me." She said, stepping closer to me as she closed the distance between us.

"I don't love you anymore." I narrowed my eyes at her, annoyed of her presence.

"Stop hiding your feelings from me, Justin. I still love you." She said. She pushed me to the wall and pressed her lips to mine, forcing me to kiss her back.

I struggled, pushing her away from me, but her hands were firm on my jacket, not letting me go. When she finally pulled away, my eyes fell to the doorframe, where Sherlyn was standing.

"Sherlyn..." I said.

Her eyes landed to me, then to a smirking Selena, then back to me. She sighed with tired eyes and said, "I'm done." Then she left without another words.

"Sherlyn, wait!" I said, pushing myself off of Selena and ran towards Sherlyn, who was walking rather slow. I ran faster and grabbed her arm, making her turn to me. Yet, she didn't look up. "Sherlyn, that was nothing." I shook my head.

"Nothing?" She looked aggressively at me. "Nothing?! Justin, it means a lot! It means that you still love her!" She exclaimed frustratingly at me.


"I can't believe that on this special day, I was really hoping that we could have a special lunch somewhere and what I saw was my boyfriend kissing his ex-girlfriend!" She scoffed. "I should've known."

"Special day?" I inquired, raising my eyebrow.

Sherlyn looked at me in a dumbfound way. "Really?" She asked me in disbelief. I shook my head. I scoffed again. "Really. You are kidding me." She rolled her eyes and threw the bag she held to my chest. "Here, happy anniversary you asshole!" She said before speed walk out of the building.

I stared at her with wide eyes. How could I forget? It's our anniversary. I looked down at my feet where the bag fell down. I bend down and picked up the anniversary gift. Inside was a small picture of us at the beach, where we were kissing.

My breath hitched and I felt my eyes tearing up. I put my hand on my mouth, feeling stupid about the holiday I just forgot. "I'm an asshole."

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