Chapter 15

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I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Confusion written all over my face. I saw him rank his eyes down my body then back at my eyes. Sighing, I went back to write the English paper I'm supposed to finish by Monday. I still felt his eyes on me, examining every part of my body.

Looking back, I saw him looking at me, a sly grin on his face.

"What?" I asked confusingly. "Is there something on my face," I slightly gave him a playful glare. "Or my body?"

Justin gulped and chuckled after, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Seriously, is there something wrong?" I asked again, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"Nothing." He grinned, a crimson color covering his cheeks. Is he... blushing? "I just want to know what you'll look like for the premiere."

"Premiere?" I asked.

"I was invited to a movie premiere," Justin clarified, "and I was wondering if you could be my date." A shy grin spread across his face, dimples like mine showing up. I was taken aback from the offer, clearly knowing the possibilities that could happen during the premiere.

I blinked twice, unsure of my response. It's been already two months since Justin and I became a couple. My heart was beating off my chest as butterflies were fluttering inside my stomach. It wasn't because I was flattered, no, but it was because I was nervous. The public still doesn't know that I'm dating the one and only Justin Bieber. There were pictures of us, taken secretively from paparazzi, but Justin chose not to speak of it since he doesn't want any interference with public. I was surprised, of course, that he wanted to already show me as his girlfriend to everybody. I was nervous, yes, because his fans' opinion matters. If they don't like me, another scar on my arm.

"What if-?"

"I don't care what they say," Justin answered as if he was reading my mind. He took a step forward and pulled me closer to him, almost closing the gap between us. Resting his forehead against mine, I enjoyed the warm comfort he is giving me. "We'll just come and go. Watch the movie, have dinner, then come back to my house," Justin explained.

I raised my eyebrow up, clearly enjoying what is to come. "And what will we do when we come back?" I questioned. I bit my bottom lip, trying hard not to smile from the upcoming events on the couch.

"You know," Justin smiled, "probably make out or something." A giggle escaped my lips before he started kissing me, wrapping my arms around his neck, savoring the sweet kisses Justin gave me.


"Sherlyn!" My mom shrieked from the living room. I groaned, still not wanting to pry myself off the bed.

"Yes?" I shouted.

"There's a package for you!" She shouted back. I groaned again, this time removing myself from the bed and from my phone. I sighed and scratched the back of my head, annoyed that I have to get the package.

Stepping in the living room, a long, white box occupied the wooden table. I gawked at the box, my eyes widening since it was the first package I received. My mom stood beside it, just like me, trying to figure out who in the world gave me this package.

I walked over the table and found the box wrapped with a purple ribbon. I slowly unwrapped the ribbon, knowing that the packaged looked fragile to get broken. My mom stood beside, as confused as me, as I opened the box slowly and carefully.

A little black dress was placed flat in the box. There was also many sparkling accessories - like diamonds and black shiny pumps - that it made me blind. I was startled to see this glamorous package right in front of me.

Inside, there was a small note. Cautiously, I took the piece of note and read it carefully.

See you Saturday night :) -Justin

A smile spread across my lips. Crossing my arms, I remained admiring the beautiful black dress. It just occurred to me that it looked somewhat familiar. If anyone would know where it's from, it would be Jackie. I scoffed and looked through my contacts, and found the person I was looking for.

"Hey, Jackie?"


"Oh. My. God!" Jackie squealed as she made her way to my room. The packaged I received from Justin laid on my bed, still untouched since it looked too beautiful to touch. I did take a picture of it, wanting to at least brag about it to Jackie.

Jackie carefully stride across the room and stopped right in front of the box. She was wide-eyed, not believing what she's looking at.

"I needed some conformation about what it is." I said like it was no big deal. "It looked rather expensive."

"Hell, it is expensive!" Jackie shrieked. "This one-" she pointed to the black dress, "is an Alexander Wang one shoulder ruched dress." She examined it, putting a finger on her chin, making her look like a scientist looking at a dissected frog. "Very beautiful."

Then she pointed at the black pumps. "This is a Bianca Patent Leather Platform Pump. Five inches to be exact." She added.

"This is a Givenchy small black Antioga Envelope Clutch bag." She pointed to the black clutch. "You have no idea how expensive this clutch is!"

"This bracelet is a Tory Burch Perforated Logo Skinny Cuff." She pointed to the shiny silver bracelet. "I love Tory Burch accessories!"

"And this-" she pointed to the diamond belt. "is a Swavorski belt sash, beaded with rhinestones. Most brides use these." She added. I looked at Jackie with awe. I knew her, of course. She's in love with fashion.

Jackie then looked at me with pure shock. "You are one lucky girl." She complimented.

"I can't believe Justin bought me all of this for the movie premiere." I stated.

Jackie stared at me for a moment and walked around me, as if she is examining me. "Maybe if you put your hair down and put a small accessory on your hair, it'll look great with the outfit. Maybe some eyeliner, then red lipstick - oh my gosh, can I do your make up?" Jackie pleaded. I smiled and nodded gratefully at my friend.

Jackie squealed and started talking about my make up, yet I zoned out. Instead, I took my phone out and texted Justin.

Thanks for the surprise, I love it! :) - Sherlyn

A few minutes later, he texted back.

For my one and only ;) -Justin


Yay, I finally updated! I am clearly going to enjoy the next chapter! I'm gonna stir some drama there. Sherlyn's outfit is on the external link. :) And if you have polyvore, follow me too! @ fashionluv16

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