Chapter 3

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I walked down the sidewalk, desperate to go home. I was soaking wet with no umbrella with me nor a raincoat to cover myself. It started pouring harder than awhile ago. For once I was thankful for the rain that it was covering the tears I poured out earlier. I wasn't really paying any attention on where I was looking at, hopeful that I wouldn't hit anything or anybody.

"I don't feel the same way anymore."

Chad's voice kept replaying in my head.

"I like someone else now. I'm sorry."

I felt hot tears spilling over my cheeks again. The rain covered it up quickly before any stranger noticed what I was feeling like.

It felt like hours when I finally reached my home. I removed my shoes on the front porch before entering inside. I can imagine my mom with a mortified face when water dripped on the stairs. Ruining her perfectly polished floor that she just cleaned yesterday. I was glad that I didn't bring my phone or else the rain would have broke it.

As I went in, as expected, my mom had the face but stayed terribly silent as she looked at me dragging myself on the stairs. I went straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower before I get a cold.

As I changed to my sweater and shorts, since it was getting cold, I sat down on my bed. The scene of Chad breaking up with me started replaying in my head.

"D-did I do s-something wrong?" I stuttered to Chad, who was looking at me worriedly.

"It's not you. I, I don't know. I just stopped." Chad said. "I'm sorry." He muttered.

I didn't know what I should feel by then. I was shocked, sad, angry, and hurt. There was so many emotions going through me that I don't even know what I should rightly feel.

"Asshole." I muttered and opened Chad's car door, slamming it on purpose. I didn't care if it was raining or not. I ran, I ran as if my life was depending on it. It felt like I was suffocating. As I slowed down, I felt the hot tears running down my cheeks. My eyes were getting foggy and I didn't see a dog standing next to me that I fell and scraped my elbow. I sat on the pavement and cried. Not only that I hurt my elbow, so did my heart was hurting. I sat down there and stayed crying.

I felt another tear going down my cheek. I closed my eyes and wiped the tear furiously. I took slow and steady breaths. I was mad. That was the third time I was heartbroken. I felt irony when I thought that Chad was going to be the one.

I put my face on my palms and kept on brushing off the tears that tried to spill. I looked up and grabbed my phone, starting to dial Jackie.

I heard Jackie's laugh as she picked up her phone. I thanked God silently that he answered her phone. "Hello?" I heard Jackie's voice.

"Where are you?" My voice was a little hoarse from crying.

"I'm still with Kyle at Starbucks." I looked at the wall. It's been three hours and they were still there. I forgot that they were still having their coffee date. "Is something wrong. You don't sound good." Jackie said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Chad broke up with me." I confessed.

There was utter silence on the other line. I heard Kyle's concerned voice. "Where are you?" Jackie asked a few seconds later.

"In the house. But I don't want you to leave Kyle-"

"I'm coming." Jackie interrupted me and hanged up. I felt a wash of guilt after Jackie hanged up. I don't know what Kyle would be feeling when I interrupted their date. I prayed silently that Kyle wasn't angry.

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