Chapter 24

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It has been a month since Sherlyn shunned me. I wasn't able to talk to her, since her parents made me leave twice already and also because she still doesn't want to talk to me lately. I wasn't able to function well during work and I haven't really been paying attention.

I threatened Selena to stop talking to me for a while, which worked because she stopped all the phone calls and text messages. She also stopped talking to the press about it and even on Twitter and on Instagram.

There were many tweets to Sherlyn, my fans sending her good luck and get well soon messages. Even on Facebook and Instagram. She hasn't been active lately, since she is recovering from the previous incident.

The bandages on Sherlyn is already gone, and a month did help her. From what I heard she is already walking with a crutch, a little bit of limping, but she no longer need to use a wheelchair. There were still some bandages on some parts, but only small ones from the wounds. Her neck brace is now gone but she still has a cast on her right arm. The bandage on her forehead was now unnoticeable and she's doing fine.

The press finally knew that Sherlyn and I broke up. Rumours say that I was cheating on Sherlyn or that there were time schedules that got us into a problem. My beliebers were already having a debate about what was the cause of the break up. More press were already asking questions about our relationship, which made it harder for me to answer their questions. But all they know is that we won't be speaking anytime soon.

It was her latest tweet that made today special.

"@SherlynDuquez: I no longer need crutches! And I'm back!"

A sudden hope blossomed and I was grateful to see Sherlyn back on the media sites. I missed her funny quotes she suddenly puts on her tweets, or her pictures in Instagram. I was also glad she now can walk without the crutches, which concerned me a bit since I know that Sherlyn just recovered from an accident.

"Justin, are you coming or not?" Scooter called out. He appeared on the door, peeking his head out. "We're gonna leave you."

"I'm coming!" I said, getting up and following Scooter to the van.

I have a meet and greet day with the fans at the mall today, and I heard that the mall is already full packed this hour. I was psyched, of course, to see my fans and to meet them again! I have missed this times where I get to meet more people and think that they do many things for me, like defending me and more and I love it when that happens.

Squeals and Shrieks were heard when I entered the mall. I looked down, not wanting the flashing lights blind me until I got to the table where I was supposed to be seated.

I dared to look up, only to see a girl that caught my eye on the background, laughing. I froze, my feet not budging as I watched her. She was with Jackie, Kyle, and another guy I don't know about. My heart started beating faster and I don't understand why.

I watched Sherlyn laugh at the joke the guy was telling her, my jealousy's kicking in. To add that, Sherlyn kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. Without thinking, I ran past my bodyguards and ran towards Sherlyn's direction. It was hard, since my fans were all around me. Quickening my pace, I finally got to Sherlyn, who was surprised.

Resting my hand on my knees, I gasped for breath right in front of Sherlyn. "Justin?" She asked, her tone filled with surprise.

"Sherlyn, I-" I paused, regaining my breath. "I'm sorry, let me take a second." I put a hand on my chest, letting myself get more air in my lungs. When I regained my breath, I stood up straighter and looked at Sherlyn.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

I held her hands. "I just wanted to see you." I said truthfully. "I saw you on the background, then I couldn't stop myself I wanted to see you."

"Justin, you kno-"

"I don't care, Sherlyn." I breathed out. "I just wanted to see you." I said.

Sherlyn stayed there for a moment, not moving a muscle. She looked down at our hands then looked back at me, confused at the moment.

A tap on the shoulder distracted me from looking at Sherlyn. "Sir, Scooter is asking if you could go back." One of my bodyguards say.

As I was about to protest, Sherlyn already interrupted me. "You should go, Justin. You're fans are waiting for you." She said.

I looked at her with a concerned face. "When can I see you again?"

"Sir, I really think we should go." My body guard said. "If we let any fans go near your girlfriend, they'll either hurt her or make her uncomfortable." He added.

I looked back at Sherlyn, clearly not wanting her to get hurt since she just recovered. "Go, Justin." She ordered me. I sighed and suddenly kissed her on the forehead, showing her that I love her so much and I want to speak to her.

I kissed her hand again before letting her hand go, the tips of our fingertips touching before I was escorted by my guard. I looked back at Sherlyn, who was still on the spot I left her in, frowning and in verge to tears. I sighed and looked straight ahead, where more bodyguards were heading towards us to control the fans.

Once I got to the table, Scooter nudged my arm. "Is everything all right?" He asked, a worried look crossing his face. I sighed and nodded my head.

"I just saw Sherlyn." I confronted. "I thought that i could get her back if I spoke to her again." I muttered.


One more chapter and an epilogue!

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