Chapter 13

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Hope you won't choke this time, Sherlyn. I don't want anything bad happening to you. Lol, but I wished I could have seen your reaction when you choked. LOL, I'm mean. Sorry! Love you!

I held his hand the whole ride home. It was already midnight, but I don't really care since I don't want this night to end. I bit my lip as I looked at our holding hands, not believing what's happening to my life. His large hand fits perfectly in mine. The butterflies inside my stomach couldn't stop fluttering in excitement. A tingling feeling went down my spine every time we touch.

Justin rubbed my hand with his thumb as I looked up at him. He was watching me intently as a blush covered my cheeks. I watched him as he lifted our hands up and kissed th eback of my hand gently.  Even his kiss made me feel weak. A smiled crept up my lips.

"You know I like you right?" Justin asked, one of his brows raising up. I gave him a shy smile and nodded. "Don't forget about that, okay?" He said. I felt my heart flutter as I nodded. The end of his lips curled into a smile as he averted his gaze back to the road.

I felt the car stop a few minutes later. A frown was replaced as I saw my house on the window. I didn't want this night to end, nor would I want to go home.

I sighed and looked at Justin. "Well, this is my stop." I said half-heartedly. A pout was on Justin's face as I looked at him, his hand not wanting to let me go.

"Do you have to?" He asked, looking like a small kid that didn't get his cookie.

"I'd invite you in my house if you want." I said, his face brightening up. "But my mom and dad won't like that." I joked. Justin pouted again, rubbing his thumb against my skin.

"Fine." He surrudered. "Can I see you tomorrow?" He asked, a hopeful look in his face. I smiled and nodded my head. He smiled and dropped my hand, leaning forward towards me.

I held a finger up to my knees and stopped him from what he is planing. "What are you doing?" I asked, one of my eyebrows raised up.

"I was about to kiss you." He mumbled through my finger, feeling the vibration from his lips. He blinked twice as a giggle escaped my lips.

"You can't kiss me yet." I grinned. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion. "I'm your boyfriend." He said. I grinned again and shook my head in clarification.

"You just became my boyfriend. We're a new couple. And I'm not going to kiss you at the first day." I joked, making Justin look like a sad child.

"That's not fair." He whinnied like a little kid.

"Bye, Justin." I said, smirking as I left his car. I knew Justin was mad, but he looked cute. I liked how his nose scrunch up when he's annoyed. And how his brows furrow in confusion. How his eyes narrowed. How his lips pouted.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at Justin, who was wathcing me intently. I turned around to face my house, but grimacing at the thought of sleeping without feeling what Justin's kiss was. I looked back at Justin and sighed before I ran to his car.

I opened the door and saw Justin in a shocked face. "Oh, what the heck!" I said, pressing my lips in his pink ones. I could feel him smile as he wrapped his arms aound my waist as I wrapped one of my arms on his neck and cupping his face.

The kiss felt pationate and beautiful. I felt his toungue slide inside my mouth, smiling as I felt it explore in my mouth. It wasn't just a kiss, it was like a makeout session. His chest touching mine as I could feel his heart beating. He kissed me forcefully, which I excitedly agreed. My butterflies started flying like crazy as we both kissed.

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