Chapter 6

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I came back to California after the Believe tour. The press has been all up on me lately as Scooter announced that I would have a break on February on the press conference. They've been asking me so many questions.

"What will happen to you after the big break?"

"Since the Believe tour is finished, what are your plans now?"

"Is it true you are going to retire from the music business? Justin!"

I stopped as I heard the last question. I turned around and saw a young girl holding a microphone with a camera man behind her. "Were you the one who asked the question?" I asked the girl.

She tucked her loose strand of hair behind her ear and gulped. She looked a little bit uncomfortable, but she kept her pose correct and her lips on a tight line. She nodded her head and asked me the same question. Scooter nudged me to go, but I shook my head.

"I would like to answer that question." I said. The press that surrounded me listened attentively, only the shots of cameras are the ones you can only hear.

"The rumour about me going to retire is not true." I said as people wrote on their notepads. "I have been in the music business for almost nine years and I'm not going to give up on my beliebers now. I love them because without them, I wouldn't have been able to achieve this dream. I'll keep on making music, but I would love to have a break right now. Now, if you can excuse me." I turned on my heels and walked to my van with Scooter beside me.

"Are you and Selena Gomez together again?" Another reporter asked.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at the reporter who asked that question. "What?" I said a little too rude.

"There is a picture that Selena posted on her instgram about you and her." She said, holding a phone up and showing me the picture. It was Selena hugging me from behind and has a kissy face. "Are you guys together again?" The reporter asked again.

I shook my head "No, we're not." I said, shaking my head again.

"Let's go." I heard Scooter as he helped me up to the van and closing it.

I took big breaths as I sat down. I took out my phone and looked at the recent post that Selena posted in instagram. "My baby <3" It said.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, showing Scooter the phone. He blinked for a second and shrugged his shoulders. "Does Selena want me back?" I inquired to myself.

"Don't even think about that." Scooter said. "You don't want to get your heart broken again right?" I looked at him for a second and shook my head. "If you ask me, I wouldn't go back with her anymore. She'll just break your heart again. I don't want that to happen to you." He said. I took a breath out and nodded.

Scooter was right. I have no idea what the hell Selena is thinking, and I'm pretty sure she didn't want me back anymore. I looked at the tattooes on my left arm. She was the one who caused this. She was the one who broke up with me, and I'm sure as hell that I won't go back with her anymore.

"It's for the best." Selena said as she broke up with me. "I have my career, you have yours. I need some space to know who I really am. I'm sorry." She said, giving me a sad smile. "We could still be friends right?"

I looked at her with a what-the-hell expression. Does she think that after breaking up, we could still be friends. Things woud just get awkward. Does she know what she's thinking?

"Sure." I managed to say. "Friends." I repeated and she hugged me. I closed my eyes as she hugged me tightly. Does she even know I love her? How could she break my heart just like that?

"Bye, Justin." She said as we pulled apart. She gave me a sad smile and walked away, leaving me heart broken.

I ran my hand through my hair with frustration. "What the hell is she thinking?" I asked myself as I put my face on my palm, my arms resting on my thighs.

"Calm down, kid." Scooter said, patting my back.

 "How will I calm down after seeing Selena's recent post on instagram?" I groaned. "I'm pretty sure my fans and everybody are talking about the post about me and Selena."

"You bet." Scooter said. I looked up and saw Scooter on his phone. "Everybody are talking about it. People are having hate on Jelena and how you guys shouldn't be together." He said.

"Let me see that." I said, snatching away his phone from him.

"Selena, stop it! We all know you were the one who broke our JB's heart."

"Hey slut, stop being a slut. JB won't let you back into his life."

"Stop going back to our JB. We don't want you to break his heart again."

I started to read all the people's tweets on Selena's twitter. I went to my twitter account to see if there are any other people who are talking about it.

"Justin, please don't go back to Selena. Someone out there is better for you :("

"Don't go back with Selena, she'll just break your heart again. We don't want that to happen to you."

"Selena isn't for you."

I started to read more and more comments and tweets on my wall. I was glad that people are supporting me, at the same time that they don't want Selena into my life since she broke my heart.

I gave back Scooter's phone and went to my phone, going to my twitter account.

"No, we are not together. I will stiick with my beliebers till the very end. I love you guys." I tweeted. In a matter of seconds, people started to tweet again and comment now with happy thoughts. There are still negative tweets about Selena, but I still knew who my reall supporters are.

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