Chapter 19

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"Jackie!" I shrieked when she showed up in my house. I gave her a koala-bear hug and never let her go for five minutes.

"Sherlyn, I can't breathe." She said in puffs. I laughed and let her go, my hands still on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I just realized how long we haven't hang out for a long time." I smiled, grabbing my bag. "Let's go?" Jackie nodded her head as we I closed the door and headed to Jackie's car.


"So, how are you and Kyle?" I asked when we sat on the chairs, on the exact Starbucks place where Justin asked me to be his girlfriend, while I sipped my drink. I mentally smiled at myself, remembering his cute actions and the way he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Jackie blushed at my question and looked down at her cup, drumming her fingers on the sides of her cup. "Well, we're doing fine, I guess."

"What do you mean you guys are doing fine?" I exclaimed, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. "Really, how are you guys?"

Jackie blushed again and sunk her teeth to her bottom lip. She looked back at me and mimicked my actions. "How are you and Justin?" She asked back. That was always her, keeps on changing subjects when she doesn't want to talk about certain stuff.

I blushed and slapped her arm playfully. "Jackie!" We both chuckled, yet I asked my question again.

"Fine. We're doing great actually," Jackie smiled. "We're going out a lot, and watching movies, and many other stuff." She waved her hand, indicating that there's so much more. I squealed at her silently, loving to talk about Kyle and her.

"Enough about me," Jackie said. "Let's talk about you guys."

I blushed and took a sip of my drink before I answered, "We're doing great."

"I can see. It must be fun being photographed about your relationship." She smiled falsely at me. There was something in her voice I couldn't decipher but it made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"What do you mean? Jackie, I'm not like that." I defended myself. She looked at me and exhaled.

"I know, but don't you think it's like taking away your guys' privacy?" She asked.

"Their actions don't mean a thing to me." I said. "Besides, Justin told me that. He said that he won't ever let his fans get in between us." I smiled, liking the idea of how Justin would defend me.

Jackie sighed and looked down. "Sherlyn, please don't take this the wrong way but I've been thinking about you guys." I furrowed my eyebrows, a little confused.


"Well, did you notice something before? How Justin asked you out a month after him and Selena broke up?" Jackie asked with a concerned face. My blood started heating from the mention of the devil's name.

"Selena broke his heart and I succeeded to replace her in Justin's heart." I said professionally, my hands closing to fists.

"And how did you know that?" Jackie asked.

"Because he loves me."

"And how did you know that?" She challenged again.

"He told me to never leave him."

"Did he tell you that he loves you? Right out of his mouth?" We both had a little staring contest, a small fight between us.

Yet, Jackie's words were right. I have never heard Justin he actually loves me. I never said it either, but I have been considering saying it to Justin since I knew he loved me and I shouldn't be worried. Heck, our one year is coming up! Though, how did I know that? No matter how many doubts I have in my head, I did not show any chance of weakness.

"Don't you think that Justin is just using you to forget Selena?" Jackie inquired. I pulled back a little, surprised about Jackie's words.

What if she was right? Justin started taking interest in me right when he and Selena broke up. He started acting weirdly after he talked to Scooter that day of that premiere. He never told me he loved me, yet his actions showed me. Actions speak louder than words right? Even if he doesn't say it, he shows it.

I stood up, determined that Justin loves me, and took my beverage with me. "He must not have say it, yet he shows it." I said confidently. "Excuse me, and I have to go finish the gift for Justin and I's anniversary." With that, I left without looking back at my best friend.

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