Chapter 25

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"Don't tell me our falling in love with him, again." Jackie said, crossing her arms and sitting down on the edge of my bed when we got back to my house from the mall. My hands felt cold when I let go of Justin's touch. My body lingered for his warmth. "Sherlyn, are you listening to me?"

"No." I said honestly, flopping down on my bed, covering my face with my pillow. I groaned on my pillow, feeling stupid all over again.

"You really do love him, no matter how much distance we put you from him." Jackie frowned at me. I sighed and stayed on my bed, not wanting to stand. Jackie rubbed my arms. "No matter what he did to you, I want you to think it over. If you do love him, go to him. If you don't, then there's nothing to talk about." Jackie said, standing up and closed my bedroom door.

I sat up on my bed, too lazy and too hurt to think about Justin. Going to my bed drawer, I took out a picture of me and Justin. Running my thumb across the shiny picture, I felt my heart clenching. I'm not going to cry, not because I want to be strong, but because I don't feel like crying over Justin. I wasted too many tears and too many broken pieces of my heart enough that it can't be fixed again.

I don't know Justin, I really don't know, I thought to myself. I loved you for so long. It's almost been a year. You might have cheated on me, but I guess I still can't let you go. My heart has been longing for you and I don't even think that anyone can replace you from my heart. It looked like you moved on, and I don't know if I should be happy or not. I can be happy, but without you, everything feels incomplete.

Sighing, I laid down my bed, Justin and I's picture wrapped on my hand.


"Are you sure with this?" Jackie asked again. For the fifth time, I nodded.

"Okay, so Justin will be talking about you, he mentioned it before. I think it would be better to come out when he finishes the song." Scooter said. "Oh, and Sherlyn?" He put his hand on my shoulder. "It's nice to see you helping Justin again." I smiled and nodded my head, waiting for Justin to start.

"Hey, guys!" Justin said to his fans. We were at his concert, and millions of people were standing up on their seat to cheer Justin. "So, I thought about having a throwback." The crowd cheered when I looked at the screen to see Justin's concert. He sat on the piano stool that was brought up.

"But before I start, I have a very short message." He said. "You guys already know about Sherlyn and I's break up." He said. I stared at the screen. "I just wanted to say, I loved her so much and I was in tears when we broke up. I dedicate this song to her, because I love her. This is her favorite song, so here I am now, singing it to you guys." He chuckled. "I need you guys to do me a favor." The crowd cheered. "We'll you guys help me win Sherlyn back through Twitter, Instagram or wherever she will notice?" He asked. The crowd cheered and got to their phones and suddenly my phone couldn't stop the notifications popping up.

"I love her so much." He mumbled through the microphone, I could see a tear run down his cheek. "This is Down to Earth."

I gasped as I heard him say my favorite song from him.

I never thought that it'd be easy

Cause we're both so distant now

And the walls are closing in on us and we're wondering how

No one has a solid answer

But just walking in the dark

And you can see the look on my face and it just tears me apart

So we fight (so we fight)

Through the hurt (through the hurt)

And we cry and cry and cry and cry

Then we live (then we live)

And we learn (and we learn)

And we try and try and try and try

So it's up to you

and it's up to me

that we meet in the middle, on our way back

down to earth

Down to earth, down to earth, down to earth

On our way back down to earth

Back down to earth (x8)

Momma you were always somewhere

And daddy I live out of town

So tell me how could I ever be normal some how?

You tell me this is for the best

So tell me why am I in tears

(Woah) So far away and now I just need you here

So we fight (so we fight)

Through the hurt (through the hurt)

And we cry and cry and cry and cry

Then we live (then we live)

And we learn (and we learn)

And we try and try and try and try

So it's up to you

and it's up to me

that we meet in the middle, on our way back

down to earth

Down to earth, down to earth, down to earth

On our way back down to earth

Back down to earth (x8)

I felt so far away

From where we used to be

And now we're standing

And where do we go?

when there's no road

to get to your heart

let's start over again

So it's up to you

and it's up to me

that we meet in the middle, on our way back

down to earth

Down to earth, down to earth, down to earth

On our way back down to earth

Back down to earth (x8)

I never thought it'd be easy

but we're so distant now

And the walls are closing in on us and we're wondering how

The song ended and I ran to the stage. The crowd suddenly cheered as I came, Justin not knowing why. I then kissed him on the cheek. Him turning around and saw me in tears. He quickly got off the piano stool and kissed me roughly. The crowd cheered more and more, feeling the spotlight on us and the flashes from the cameras.

Holding his face, I pulled away to gasp for breath, placing my forehead against his. I brought my hands to his face and qiped away his tears. "How?" He asked.

"Because I love you." I said in a small voice. He had a bigged smile on his face before kissing me again in front of his fans. I never felt happier in my life. When we pulled back, he hugged me tight, careful of my broken body. He grabbed the mic and snaked an arm around my waist.

"Hey, guys, it's my girlfriend." The crowd cheered and awed before Justin kissed the top of my head.


Last chapter! I thought this was a cute chapter, don't you think? I thought so. Sherlyn, I hope I got the song right. I think I remembered you saying that your favorite is Down to Earth. Haha :) 

Song on the side -----> and a gif of Justin :)

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