Chapter 14

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I will stand by you

Even if we fall

I won't let you fall

I won't let you go

I wrapped my arms on her waist as she played the guitar. I moved her hair out of the way and slowly kissed the crook of her neck. Burying my head on her neck, I felt Sherlyn shift on her seat, since I now knew that she was actually ticklish.

"Justin," she groaned, trying to pull away from me. I secured my arms on her waist to not let her presence leave me.

"No!" I whinnied and buried my face on her neck again. A giggle was heard as a smile spread across my face.

Sherlyn put down my guitar and faced me. I quickly stole a kiss from her, another giggle escaping her lips. "You're cute." I smiled. Sherlyn cupped my face and leaned forward, stopping from my nose.

"You're insane." She bit her lip. I licked my lips quickly and pressed it on hers.

"Okay, stop it before me have a hot make out session." Sherlyn stopped, pulling away from me.

I made her move closer to me and felt her hot breath on my lips. "Why not? We're all alone here." I whispered seductively, making her chuckle.

"Well, what if someone comes in?" She wondered, her hot breath tickling against mine.

"Don't worry, the doors are locked." I smiled mischievously, pressing my lips on hers again.

"You are one unique guy, Justin." She said in between kisses.

"But you love me." I smiled as I kissed her roughly.

After one hot make out session, Sherlyn went downstairs to get some food as I followed. She sat on the counter as I leaned against the wall of the kitchen. I watched as she looked into my refrigerator. Sherlyn then looked at me with awe. "Can I live here? Or possibly steal your fridge?" Sherlyn asked with a puppy dog face. A low chuckle came out as I shook my head. She pouted and looked at my fridge again.

I walked dangerously forward at Sherlyn and wrapped my arms on her body again and whispered on her ear, "But you can live here. With me."

"Oh, no." Sherlyn said, pulling away from me as she shook her head. A smile was on her face as she held up a finger and moved it side to side. A smirk was displayed on my face. "I have this gut feeling that you'll either rape me or do something with me when I live here." She teased. I went forward as she stopped as her back hit the sink, my hands falling to both of her sides so she won't escape. I saw her gulp as I leaned down, our face inches away.

"You won't consider it rape 'cause you'll enjoy it." I smirked, licking my lips to make it moist.

"Justin!" Sherlyn gasped. I kissed her on the cheek and looked at her. She was petrified and in pure shock at my joke. I laughed hysterically, my voice ricocheted through the kitchen walls. "That wasn't funny, mister!" Sherlyn narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms. I could see she was trying not to laugh, from the way she was biting her lip.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I chuckled, untangling her crossed arms as my hands slid down to hers. I stopped laughing as I felt rough textures on her left arm. Sherlyn turned pale, her body tensing. I looked at her with a confused expression, and suddenly realized what have done.

Right on her left arm, numerous cuts were formed. They felt rough against my fingers. I imagined how painful it was for a razor to cut deep in her skin, then the blood finally going down. I rubbed the cuts again, careful to add pressure to them before I hurt Sherlyn. How come I haven't seen this before? I asked myself.

"Sherlyn," I breathed out. She turned away, not daring to look in my eyes. I rubbed her skin again, making Sherlyn close her eyes. After one more rub, Sherlyn blasted off and ran away from me.

"Sherlyn, wait!" I called, running to her. When I finally caught up with her, I hugged Sherlyn gently, feeling my shirt getting wet.

"Why'd you run away from me?" I asked, not letting her go.

Sherlyn answered, "I'm scared of what you'll think of me now." I closed my eyes and hugged tighter.

"What do you think I was going to say?"

"You'll leave me and you don't want to be with me anymore. That you think I'm ugly now because you finally saw that I self-harm." She sobbed.

I pulled away and cupped her chin with my fingers to look at me. "Sherlyn, I'm never leaving you. I want to be with you and I don't think you're ugly." I said truthfully. "The cuts mean nothing to me."

"No guy likes broken girls, okay?" Sherlyn cried. "Don't you see, Justin? I'm broken. I self-harm. You'd be lying if you said you don't doubt being with me anymore." She exclaimed.

"Well, I'll be lying if I said I don't want to be with you anymore." I whispered. Sherlyn looked at me, fear in her eyes. I grabbed both of her hands and bore my eyes on hers. "Sherlyn, I'll never leave you and I'll never consider or suggest that I should leave you. You're an amazing person and you're beyond beautiful. I love you okay?"

I grabbed her left arm and kissed each of her cuts before hugging her again. I loved her, and I will never leave her. I knew she still doesn't want to talk about her problems, but I want to break down her walls and actually explain herself to me. I want her to open up to me. And I want to stop her from self-harm. I don't want Sherlyn to cut her skin as if it is paper.

"Now," I said, looking at her dearly. "can you smile for me, baby?"

If you are wondering, the song is I will wait for you by Ustheduo. The video is on the side if you want to watch it! ------>

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