Chapter 12

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Sherlyn, you are so going to love me for this. I wish I could record your reaction after you read this chapter. Well, enjoy bby! But no kidding, you are going to love this chapter.



Sherlyn looked breathtakingly gorgeous as she walked out of her house. She was wearing jeans and a white sweater that showed one of her shoulders. Her hair was straight down and had no make up on, naturally perfect. A smile was playing on her lips as she walked her way to me.

"Hey." She said, a small blush colored her cheeks.

I stared at her more for a moment, still amazed at how beautiful she looked. Her eyes shined from the moonlight above. Even if she looked casual, she took my breath away. My whole world stayed still and focused on her presence.

"Justin?" She said in a concerned voice. "Are you okay?" She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. Even one touch send chills down my spine. A spark of electricity send shivers all through my body. That's how intense she felt.

"Justin?" She asked again.

I pushed my thoughts aside and looked at her with a smile. "Sorry, you just look-" I paused for a moment. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. I could feel heat creep up my neck. "You look breathtaking." I breathed out. Her cheeks went red and she looked away shyly.

"Thanks." She said in a small voice. I smiled at her shyness and held her hand. She looked back at me again and smiled.

"Let's go?" I questioned her. She nodded and I opened the car door for her. I saw her blush again before she hopped in the passengers seat.

I hurriedly went to the drivers seat and hopped in. When I started the engine, I looked at her again. "What now?" She said, her brows furrowing.

I looked at her as my smile got wider. "Beautiful." I muttered.

~ * ~

"A drive in movie?" She exclaimed in excitement. "How'd you know?" She asked me with a questioning look yet a smile was played on her face.

My lips curled into a smile. "I have my ways." I said mischievously.

There were many cars that were parked, since this was one of the nights where they have drive in movies, but Sherlyn and I had the best spots. We weren't too close nor we were too far away. We were in the perfect spot. The large screen in front of us, showing us the movie. I remembered that we were going to watch a romance movie, perfect for our first date.

As the movie began, I leaned closer to Sherlyn, wrapping my arm on her waist. I felt her tense, leaning on her ear.

"Relax, babe. I got you. And I'm not going to do anything to you." I whispered seductively on her ear. I knew I sent shivers on her, but she looked like she relaxed and finally thought that she was comfortable.

The movie felt more comfortable for Sherlyn. She laid her head on my chest as both of my arms was wrapped around her body protectively. I could feel her breathing, her hot breath going through my chest. Her skin felt smooth and nice as my arms were feeling it. Her warm body felt nice with mine.

As the movie ended, cars started to drive back. "I don't want it to end yet." I heard Sherlyn say.

"Me, too." I pouted. "Do you want to go have some Starbucks first?" I suggested. Sherlyn looked up to me and nodded. I smiled and we both pulled away to drive to the nearest Starbucks café.

There weren't many people inside, and I was glad to see that. I at least could have some private talk with Sherlyn, an important question replaying on my head. Sherlyn sat on the stools by the window as I ordered our drinks. I requested the waiter to write something on Sherlyn's drink. A wide grin was spread on my face as the waiter nodded did our orders. I sat next to Sherlyn and admired her for a moment. When she saw me staring, she looked away and covered her face with her palms.

"Stop it!" She exclaimed. I looked at her with confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"Stop looking at me!" She said, still covering her face with her hands.

"So?" I inquired.

"I don't like it." She responded.

"Why not?" I asked her, my eyebrows furrowing.

"I'm ugly." She answered truthfully. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I used my fingers to make her look up and look in my eyes.

"Sherlyn," I stared at her. "you're beautiful and not ugly." I said. "Don't think yourself like that, okay? In my definition, you are perfect." I smiled.

Sherlyn looked at me with an unsure face. I could see that she doesn't think of herself as beautiful, and I want to change that. I want to show her how beautiful she is inside out. How her eyes sparkle every time, how her cheeks always blush, how full her lips were. I want to show her that she is very caring, very loving for her family and friends, how selfless she is for a person. She thinks about other people more than herself.

Now is time to change that.

"Justin!" I heard the waiter shout through the café. I dropped my hands and gave Sherlyn a small smile before taking our orders.

The heat warmed my hands as the weather in California was still chilly. I smiled as I saw the writing on Sherlyn's cup. I felt nervousness running through as I thought about what Sherlyn's going to say. Be calm, I thought to myself. I took a big breath.

It's now or never.

I put down the two Starbucks drinks and gave Sherlyn hers. She muttered a thank you and cupped the drink. "Wait!" I exclaimed, making Sherlyn stop. I turned her cup around and showed her the words on the side of her cup.

Will you be my girlfriend? Sherlyn read the words over and over again, not believing what was happening. Her eyes were wide and blinked twice before reading the same words over and over again.

"So," I said licking my lips. Sherlyn looked up to me and looked through my eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

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