Chapter 9

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"That was the craziest thing the happened to me." I said as I sat down and eat my bowl of ice cream.

"You bet!" Jackie said, taking a seat across from me. "Can you believe you actually saw the one and only Justin Bieber?" Jackie said.

"I know, right!" I exclaimed. "I should have took a picture with him." I frowned, feeling disappointed.

"That's a bummer." Jackie agreed. "But at least you saw him, right?" I smiled at Jackie.

"Who would've thought that I would actually meet Justin?" I said. "Also, I finally won a bet with my family." I grinned happily.

My family always thought that I would never meet Justin. Every time I defended that I will see Justin, they would just laugh at me and shake their heads, saying that it would be highly impossible. I then made a bet with my parents for $50 each. They shook on it, but they were confident enough to say that it would never happen.

Oh, I can't wait to see their shocked faces when I get home!

"I'm gonna have one hundred dollars in my pocket." I grinned mischievously. "I'm going to have a shoppings spree." I smiled at Jackie.

Jackie laughed at me and shook her head. "You won't." She smiled. I frowned as my eyebrows furrowed, giving Jackie a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I said. "Remember? I made a bet with my mom and dad and they'll give me fifty dollars each." I explained.

"I know." She said. "But they won't believe you right away. You don't have proof that you actually met him." She said, shoving a spoonful of her ice cream.

My jaw dropped to the floor. "I can tell them that I met Justin-"

"Yeah, but will they believe you?" Jackie asked. "They'll think that you're desperate for money and you just made it up, knowing that you never actually seen Justin." Jackie said. "I don't know, Sherlyn. You have to find Justin again and ask for a picture and an autograph to show to your parents." Jackie frowned.

"Dammit!" I swore. "Why the hell haven't I thought about that?" I said, slapping my forehead with my palm.

"Not good, Sherlyn." Jackie said, taking out her phone. "Even if you tweet it, no one will really believe it and they'll think that you just made it up."

"Fine." I said. "I'll worry about that later. All I know is that I actually met the famous Justin Bieber."

When I went home, I took off my shoes and plopped down on the couch. I was exhausted after a long day at the mall. It was already seven o'clock.

"Sherlyn, is that you?" I heard my mom said.

I groaned. "No, mom. It's a burglar that used the front door." I said in a sarcastic voice. "What do you need?"

"I need you to help me cook!" She shouted from the kirchen.

I groaned louder. "I'm tired!" I shouted back.

"I don't care!" She answered back. I closed my eyes and groaned before I got up and went to the kitchen.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked my mom as I laid my elbow against the counter.

"Can you cut the carrots and the onions?" My mom asked in a demanding voice. I sighed and took out the onions as carrots. I got the cutting board and the knife, sitting down on the chair. I took out my earphones and my phone to listen to my songs, leaving one earphone out.

"Hey, mom," I started. "today was very interesting."

"Really." She said. "What happened?"

O"I saw Justin Bieber at the mall with Jackie." I said as if it was something that happens everyday. "I was looking at my phone and I suddenly bumped in to him." I heard nothing but the knife chopping.

"You're kidding me, right?" My mom asked, looking at me.

"I'm not." I said. "Ask Jackie. I actually saw him."

"No way." My mom said, shaking her head.

"Remember what I told you? He has a big break so he can go anywhere now." I said, recalling the news I watched. "What sucks is that I forgot to take a picture of him and me because I was so shocked that I was actually looking at his eyes."

"Not to offend you or anything, Sherlyn, but it looks like you are just delusional." My mom said. My mouth fell as I looked at my mother.

"I am not delusional, mother." I snapped. "I actually saw him. I just forgot to take a picture with him." I said, continuing to cut the board.

"How are you going to do that?" My mom asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm going to look for him." I answered simply.

That night in bed, I couldn't sleep. Inside me, I felt ecstatic that I saw Justin, at the same time I felt angry that I forgot to take a picture with him and lost my chance. Meeting Justin was a one time thing, and I lost it. It will forever be in my memory.

As I closed my eyes, Justin's brown eyes were shown. I remembered disappearing to my own world as I went deep to his eyes. His facial expression was very different. His full red lips were curved and his straight, pearly white teeth were shown. His pointed nose was inches away from mine. His cheekbones were high up because of his smile. I was frozen and I couldn't breathe. I was confused at what was happening to me.

My heart rate was faster than usual. My breathing was getting heavier and heavier that my lungs were screaming for air. My stomach was swarming with butterflies, desperate to get out. Everything surrounding me was getting slower as if time was freezing. I wanted to breathe, but the guy in front of me kept taking it away. I was getting lost into the brown eyes in front of me.

My head was spinning when I realized what was happening. I was so into those brown eyes that I forgot that there were people staring at us.

I fell asleep, my lips traced with a smile as I dreamt of Justin's beautiful brown eyes.

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