Chapter 16

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I exhaled and knocked on Sherlyn's house. It was the day of the movie premiere and I was excited to see the new action movie. I got lucky for getting invited, because not every celebrity was invited. I heard that many famous stars are coming, too, which made me excited yet nervous at the same time.

I frowned when I heard that Selena was coming to the premiere. I felt my heart starting to throb at the thought of my ex-girlfriend. I always thought that she was the love of my life. I was a mess when we broke up, and I tried my hardest to seem that I was okay without Selena. Inside, I'm still hurting.

I heard footstep coming and the door opened, revealing a hot girl on the doorway. I was shocked to see that it was Sherlyn that was looking hot and beautiful at the same time. The black dress I gave her matched her perfectly, revealing the curves she hides from. Her legs seems to be endless with the heels. Her eyes, oh her eyes, shined brighter than I've ever seen before.

"Hi." I heard her speak shyly. I looked at her again and smiled. She was beautiful. Hot wasn't the word for her, she was beautiful. I reached out and held her hand, kissing her knuckles.

"You look beautiful." I said honestly, not breaking any eye contact. I saw her blush and smiled shyly, looking down on the floor. "Come on," I said.

~ * ~

As we came to the place, the blinding flashes of the paparazzi's camera greeted me and Sherlyn. I felt Sherlyn tense up, must have been scared from all the cameras. I held her hand, making more cameras flashing on us, but it made Sherlyn calmer as she looked at me with a shy smile.

"Justin, is she your new girlfriend?"

"Justin, are you both dating?"

"Justin, are you over Selena?"

I stopped when I heard one reporter asked that question. I blinked and made another fake smile, showing them that I was over Selena. I kept silent, the more I talk, the more issues.

"Justin!" I turned around and saw Scooter in a suit, a huge smile on his face.

"Scooter!" I said. I let go of Sherlyn's hand and hugged Scooter, a bigger smile on my face.

"It's great to see you!" Scooter laughed. "You have no idea how sad it was in the studio." He smiled.

"I missed you, too." I laughed. I looked to my side and rested my hand on Sherlyn's waist. "Scooter, this is my new girlfriend, Sherlyn." I greeted. Scooter looked at me with an unsure looked and smile gratefully at Sherlyn, whose cheeks are pink from introducing her.

"It's great to meet you." Scooter smiled at her, shaking her hand. Scooter then turned to me. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He looked at Sherlyn then back to me. "In private?" He added. I looked at Sherlyn, who nodded at me. I looked back at Scooter and nodded.

As we walked far away from Sherlyn and the press, Scooter looked at me sternly. "Tell, what are you using her for?" He asked.

I looked at him confusingly. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I know you don't like her." Scooter stated. I exhaled and rubbed my face. "It doesn't look like you could do it, Justin, but what are you using her for? To move on from Selena? To make Selena jealous?"

"Does it look like I have a choice?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in anger.

"The poor girl is going to get hurt!" He warned.

"I don't care!" I flailed my hands in the air. "I want to show Selena that I moved on and using Sherlyn would be the best idea."

"How could you, Justin? Do you know what will happen if she knows?"

"No, I don't know, and I don't care. All I want is to make Selena want me back." I said in fury. Scooter ran his hand through his hair then to his face.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into." Scooter said his final words and left me standing there. I inhaled and exhaled before walking back to Sherlyn.

She was surrounded by reporters. The press were bombarding her with questions as she stood there, rubbing her arms. I squeezed my way in and smiled at the reporters as I held Sherlyn's hand. She looked at mer, relieved as I dragged her away from the reporters.

"Are you okay?" I asked as we were walking.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She answered.

"Good." I smiled at her.

Scooter's words started flowing in my head. Maybe he was right. I don't know the aftermath of what's going to happen if Sherlyn knew what I was planning. She could get hurt. She could go back to cutting. Whatever it was, I knew she's gonna get hurt.

At the same time, I want Selena back. She was the one who made me happier than I've ever been before. Our relationship, all gone to the trash. If my plan works, Selena would realize how much she loved me and wants me back. She knows and she will want me back.

"Justin," a familiar voice I knew too well said. I looked to my side to see Selena, wearing a long gown with a slit. Her hair is curled to one side, showing her beautiful face features.

"Selena," I breathed out. I felt Sherlyn squeeze my hand, assuring that it was okay.

But it wasn't okay. At that point I realized I really loved Selena. It was only her who could make me feel like this. My heart throbbed and I could feel it tighten. It was as if there was a rope around my heart and it gets tighter and tighter as I saw or think about Selena.

"This is my girlfriend, Sherlyn." I said, resting my hand on Sherlyn's waist.

Selena blinked and looked at her up and down. She blinked again and smiled politely at Sherlyn. "It's nice to meet you." She said, looking at her to me and back to her.

"You, too." Sherlyn said shyly. "You look pretty." She blurted out.

"You, too." Selena gave her a tight smile. "Well, I have to go. It's about to start." She smile again and left me and Sherlyn alone.

"Are you okay?" I heard Sherlyn asked. "I wanted to hit her badly because she hurt you but I just got lost when I actually saw her." She said nervously.

I blinked and nodded. "Let's just go to our seats." I gave her a small smile. She looked at me again and nodded as we both went to our seats.


You guys probably are going to hate me now (especially you Sherlyn) and I'm so sorry! Well, I wanted you guys to hate Justin for being a jerk in this chapter, so yeah.

Well, Hoppy Easter everybody!

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