Chapter 2

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"I have a bad feeling." Jackie muttered.

"What's bad?" I asked her. "Just because I asked you to come with me to the courtyard doesn't mean I'm doing anything." I told Jackie.

"You have never done this before." Jackie said. "Are you looking for someone?"

"Kind of." I said. I heard Jackie sigh. I did a little smirk before Jackie saw my intention.

As we stood on the middle of the courtyard, I waited for Chad with Kyle. "Where are they?" I questioned myself. The instructions are pretty clear. "Jackie, just stay in front of me okay?" I said. Jackie looked at me suspiciously, but did what I said.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked at my back and saw the Kyle was looking at the other direction and Chad in front of me. Chad smiled at me and I smiled back. We both stepped to the left and let Jackie and Kyle do the talking.

"Jackie." I said the same time as Chad said "Kyle." They both turned around and looked at the magic.

I then saw the chemistry. They stared at each other for a while, blushing furiously. Chad stood next to me and wrapped his arm on my waist.

"Hi." They both said to each other at the same time. Again, they blushed.

"I mean, hey, Jackie." Kyle said, running his finger through his dirty blond hair. "You look really pretty today." Jackie started to get more red.

"Don't they look perfect together?" I squealed quietly next to Chad. Chad smiled at me. "Come on, let's give them some alone time." I giggled, without them noticing us as we walked away.

"Now this is when the magic happens." Chad said, holding my hand as we walked. "So, starbucks?" Chad asked. I smiled as I bit my lip.

"You know me so well." I said, kissing him on the cheek. It was already after school, so we can leave school now. We both then drove to starbucks and sat on the high chairs, talking about what happened in school today.

As the day ended, everything was finally in peace.

~ * ~

A few weeks passed by, and Jackie and Kyle are starting to get really close. They haven't been dating yet, but they are so close!

"It's love!" I squealed quitely on my seat. Chad and I were spying on Jackie and Kyle. "In a matter of days, they'll be a couple! Curse Jackie for playing hard to get!"

"You imagine too much." Chad said, smiling and kissing my cheek. I bit my lip and giggled.

 "Come on!" I said, grabbing Chad's hand.

"Where are we going?" Chad said, trailing behind me.

"Somewhere." I said, leaving the store. I have a feeling that Jackie and Kyle knew we are there so I left before we both ruin their date. As we went inside Chad's car, we both sped off and go to the unknown place. A few seconds later, it started pouring.

"This sucks." I said as I watched the rain pouring down the window. I felt goosebumps all over me. This doesn't feel right. Chad then stopped the car next to his house.

"Sherlyn," I heard Chad say. My head snapped to Chad. His hand was holding the sterring wheel very tight that his knuckles are white. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "I have something to tell you."

I know I should feel nervous, but I felt really worried. This was the first time I saw him looking so. . . nervous. Never had I ever seen him look very nervous since we were in a relationship. I had a terrible feeling inside of me, desperate to know what he wanted to say.

It felt like ages when he finally spoke. Two words:

"I'm sorry."

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