Chapter 11

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"A rose for you." Someone's familiar voice said from behind. A pink rose was held up right in front of me.

I gladly took the flower from Justin's hand, smelling the fresh rose after. Since the day we hanged out in the park, Justin and I started hanging out more and more. My parents finally found out that I actually saw Justin and I got the money that we bet on. Justin also had a chance to meet my parents and they actually liked him. At first they were not certain, they were starstruck and was speechless when they knew that their daughter was friends with one of the most famous stars in America. But as Justin came visit more than once, they thought it was a regular thing and they started getting used to it.

My dad was being a little overprotective. He was actually stalking me! Everytime I am on in my phone, he knows what I'm doing. I was somehow amazed at how he can do that, though he still trusts me and knows that I'm not going to do anything 'naughty'.

Anywho, I was sitting down on the park bench, where Justin told me to meet him. He said he had a surprise for me and my heart started beating faster and faster. As every time passed, it felt like I could pass out any minute. But seeing the flower in my hands, everything felt comfortable.

"What's this for?" I asked Justin as he sat down next to me. I raised an eyebrow as he scratched the back of his neck, which meant he was either nervous or embarrassed.

"Well, since it's Valentine's Day, I thought that I should give you a rose." He answered.

"Do you know what a pink rose means?" I inquired.

"Yeah." He answered honestly.

"Young love." I said. A small smile was displayed on my face. Justin laughed nervously.

"Well," He laughed. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Justin Drew Bieber, is there something you want to tell me?" I asked in a stern tone. Justin shifted on his seat and scooted closer to me, grabbing my hand.

"Sherlyn," He started with a nervous voice. "since we've been hanging out for quite a time, I was thinking if-" He paused for a couple of seconds. I raised my eyebrow again.

"If?" I asked again. Justin scratched his neck again.

"I-if you want to go out with me?" He finished.

I was frozen for a moment, processing the words that Justin just said. I was shocked at what Justin just said.

Who would have thought that Justin, one of the most famous popstars, is asking me, a regular girl, out? It never occurd to me that he was already asking me out. Justin could date any girl, but why me?

I thought about all the past relationships I had. All of those heartbreakimg moments and all those lovey-dovey moments. I thought about everything that related about my relationships. About who actually loved me and who didn't. Everything.

I thought for a moment, not knowing what would happen if Justin and I would be a couple. What would people think if I was dating Justin? What will the press say about our relationship? What will come next?

But I don't need to know.

"Sherlyn?" Justin said nervously. I broke up to a grin.

"Yes." I answered.

"Yes?" He asked again, shock written all over her face.

"Yes." I said again, nodding. Justin smiled widely and hugged me.

"Thank you, Sherlyn. Thank you." He said.

That night, I didn't really expect what my parents were saying when I told them about what happened today.

"You're accepting this?" I asked my parents in confusion.

My dad looked at my mom and back to me, nodding his head as he took a bite of his steak.

I pinched myself on the arm, making sure that I wasn't dreaming. When I could feel the pain, I knew I was awake.

"Are you my parents?" I asked in confusion. My parents laughed.

"Yes, yes we are." My mom answered.

"How are you guys considering this?" I asked. "You guys are all very overprotective when we're talking about boys asking me out." I said.

"Sherlyn, we're letting you go out with Justin because we know he's a good guy." Mom said. "He is more polite than the other boys we see. At least he has the balls to actually meet us unlike the others." She said, rolling her eyes.

"That's very creepy." I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"All I'm going to say is to be careful." Dad warned. "When I found out he did something to you, I will be the one to fix it." Dad said.

I nodded, gladly knowing that my parents had full support on me.

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