Chapter 5

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I laid on my bed as I put on my earphones. I walked straight home after school since Jackie was going to Kyle's house, doing God knows what. Hopefully not having sex since they just got together.

I hit the random button and closed my phone. Then I realized that the song was That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber. It immediately reminded me of Chad. I felt a tear go down as I closed my eyes. Chad. Heart, why him? From all the people, why does it have to be me?

I put my hand on my face and started to sob. No matter how many times I try to forget him, I lose my progress when I hear his name or saw him.

Today was actually one of the worst days of my life. As Jackie and I were walking down the hall, people started the gossip as they saw me, some gave me pitiful looks.

"Why are they looking at me?" I asked Jackie. "They looked at me as if I lost my puppy." I said. Jackie's eyes looked alarmed.

"That's nothing!" She said mervously. "Come on, let's go." She said, grabbing my wrist. I stopped her.

"You know something, don't you?" I asked.

"Sherlyn, it's nothing." Jackie said. I didn't push any further and just followed Jackie to the classroom. She clearly won't tell me the details.

When we reached to our next class, I was in utter shock. I saw Jackie tense next to me, looking at me nervously. I stared at Chad wide eyed. I regretted walking to my class.

There sat Chad, with a girl making out. She had blonde hair with white skin and has the horniest outfit I've seen in school. She was all up on Chad, sitting on his lap and her arms around his neck. When they pulled away, I finally knew who the girl was. Peyton Anderson. The girl who had sex with almost every guy in school.

She was wearing a short shorts and a purple tank top that shows off her cleavage. She was also wearing heels and has an awfully amount of make up. In school, she had the biggest boobs. She had an ugly figure and always trued to show some skin to attract every boy. And I though Chad hated those kind of girls.

I ran down the hall and went to the bathroom, going to one of the stalls and started to sob quietly. A few minutes later, a few girls went to the bathroom.

"Can you believe it?" A girl said. " How could Chad do that to Sherlyn?"

"And dating the horniest girl in school? What the hell is he thinking?" Another girl said.

"Everybody knows that Peyton only wants Chad for his virginity." Another girl said. That's when I know there were only three girls that were talking about my relationship.

"Why did they break up anyway?"

"Some people said that Chad wanted to have sex with Sherlyn. Apparently, she didn't give it to him so he had it with Peyton while they were in a relationship. Then Chad broke up with Sherlyn." The girl answered.

"I feel so sad for her."

"Who would've thought Chad Gray could do that?" The chatter started to fade away. I stayed in the bathroom stall and cried more. The truth finally comes out when you least expect it. It started to hurt so much. I was heartbroken.

It was until lunch when someone came in the bathroom. I could hear her panting, opening other bathroom stalls. When she tried to open the last door, she finally breathed and leaned on the stall. I then heard a knock.

"Sherlyn." I immediately recognized the voice was Jackie's. "Get out of the stall." She said.

"I don't want to." I said.

"Is she okay?" I heard Kyle ask. "I'm coming in!" He said, probably going inside the ladies room.

"Sherlyn," Her body was facing the stall. "Chad probably isn't the best guy for you. Somewhere in the world, there's a guy who is actually right for you. Chad was just another guy." I stayed silent and quietly sobbed as I felt another tear going in place. "Here." I looked up and saw her hand giving me a bottle of water.

I took the water bottle from her and opened it, having a small sip. I didn't realize I was thirsty. I took a deep breath and leaned on the wall. "Thank you." I muttered.

"Sherlyn, Get out of the stall." I obeyed what she said and slowly opened the stall. When my head peaked out the stall, I saw Jackie and Kyle having a worried expression. Jackie slowly gave me a small smile and opened her hands, gesturing me to hug her. I felt another tear rolled down and hugged her tightly. She started to stroke my hair smoothly. "Shh. Don't cry." I cried harder, thankful that I had a friend like Jackie.

"I'm sorry, Sherlyn. I never knew that Chad would do that." Kyle apologized. I gave him a small smiled and pulled away from Jackie, wiping my tears.

"It's okay, Kyle." My voice was a little hoarse. "You're not Chad anyways so you don't have anything against me." I drank more water.

"Come on, let's go." Jackie said, swinging her arm on my neck. "I have a plan for Chad."

"What?" I looked at her with a confused expression.

"Don't you want revenge from those two?" Jackie smiled mischeviously.

"Okay, what the hell did Kyle do to you and you are speaking weird stuff?" I said, looking at Kyle.

"I didn't do anything!" Kyle defended himself. I punched him playfully in the arm. "I'm innocent." Kyle pouted. Jackie looked at him cutely.

"But seriously. I do have something for Chad and Peyton." Jackie said. I raised my eyebrows, asking for an explanation. "Come on."

When we got off the lunch line, Jackie, Kyle and I saw Chad and Peyton sitting with each other in the popular table. "Ready?" I heard Jackie, nudging her elbow on me.

"I don't know..." I said honestly.

"Too late!" She said opening the two chocolate milk carton. When Jackie stopped at the back of Chad, she said "Here's for hurting my friend's feelings!" Jackie said, pouring out the milk on the top of Chad's head. Jackie gave me the other milk carton. I felt my blood boil in excitement.

"And here's for being a slut!" I said, pouring the milk carton on Peyton's perfectly curled blonde hair. I heard the whole caf cheered and in what I did. The people on the popular table even laughed at them.

"What the hell?!" Peyton's high pitched voice rang the whole cafeteria. She stood up and ran to the restroom.

"Peyton!" Chad started to chase Peyton. The whole cafeteria cheered again, thankful that the slut isn't there anymore.

"Sherlyn, thank you! You actually had the guts to do that!" A girl said. "I just wanted to slap her."

"I know! Making out right here?" Another girl said.

"I can't look at her hideous boobs anymore!" People's chatter started to invade the cafeteria.

"Feel good?" Jackie asked as Kyle held her hand.

"You bet." I smiled.

I laughed out of nowhere in the room as the scene in the cafeteria started to replay again. I wasn't that kind of person, but it felt really good inside me. I would want to see that again.

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