Chapter 23

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I came out of the hospital a week later. There's still a bandage on my forehead and my right leg is still bandaged. They placed a cast on my right arm and there is a bandage on the middle of my body. I was told to use a wheel chair and wait for at least a month to remove the bandages. I still will be limping, but they are going to give me a crutch later.

The whole week, Justin has been trying to go into my room to talk to me again. I asked the nurse nicely to not let him in and tell him that I was sleeping. It worked sometimes, but Justin tried too hard. When I was released from the hospital, he was also there and tries helping me. Of course, I always made him leave, which leaves him looking at me with sympathy.

When I came home, Justin couldn't leave my house. He stayed in the front porch, sitting down on the stairs and waited for me to come out. And here I am, on the window seat in my room, watching Justin who was still sitting down on my steps.

"You know, he never went home." Jackie said, setting down a tray of lunch in front of me.

"I don't care." I said, turning to Jackie. "If he wants to get, let him be. I don't want him to go near me anymore." I stared down at my food. "I'm not hungry."

"Yess you are." Jackie said. She took a porsion of my food and jabbed it in my mouth. "Now chew."  She ordered me. I slowly chewed my food and pouted at Jackie, not liking the idea of her feeding me. After a swallow, Jackie squealed in joy. "See? Wasn't that easy?" She asked, giving me another spoonful. When I refused to open my mouth, she sighed and put down the spoon.

Holding my hand, Jackie looked at me sincerely. "Sherlyn, I don't want to use you, okay? I know what Justin did and I don't want him to be the cause of you. Don't scare me like that again, okay? I'm still here." She looked at me sadly, tears pooling her eyes. I blinked once and raised my hand to eat my meal, not wanting Jackie feeding me anymore. Jackie inhaled and wiped the tears away from her cheeks. Silently, I ate.


I woke up in the middle of the night to see somebody hugging me already. My breath hitched and I got nervous. Slowly, I moved the hand away, only to cover my mouth and make me scream. The guy shushed me, making me stop. I moved my hands and legs helplessly, no matter how much it hurts me.

"Sherlyn, its Justin." The guys said on my ear. Instantly, I stopped and let myself relax. Removing his hand on my mouth, I slapped him on the face with my good hand.

"What the hell was that for? Don't freaking scare the shit out of me like that!" I scolded him quietly, not wanting to wake them up. "How did you even get here?"

"The window." He answered, making me glare at him.


"Sherlyn, please, listen to me first."

"I don't want to listen to you!" I glared at him. "I want you to leave, leave me alone!"

"I can't, okay? I can't!" Justin said, hugging me from behind. I desperately wanted to get off his arms, but he only hugged me tighter. "Sherlyn, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I was stupid and I played with your feelings and I'm so sorry." He cried on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and felt the tears already escaping.


"I'll tell you the truth, I was supposed to use you. I know, but it left me guilty. Selena was already getting jealous and wanting me back but for some reason, Sherlyn, I fell in love with you. I fell in love with your laugh, your eyes, your lips, your mouth, everything. I fell in love with you." I felt his tears hit my shoulder. Angrily, I removed the tears from my cheeks.

"I fell in love with you, too." I said truthfully. "But I want to unlove you."

"Sherlyn, please, no. Don't leave me, I love you."

"Just leave, Justin. Leave." I whimpered. "I don't want to see you."

A pair of lips were on mine and I pushed Justin away with my good hand. It wasn't any good since he was stronger than me. I pushed him with more force, making him stumble back. As I catched my breath, I could see Justin's features. He had sad features and his tears covered his cheeks.


"Justin, I don't want to talk to you, right now." I said, closing my eyes. "Just leave." I said desperately. Justin covered his face with his hands, sobbing. I looked away, not wanting to see him this way.

I felt him move again and hugged me. "Justin, leave me, please."

"Sherlyn, I am in love with you, please." Justin cried. I pushed him away again.

"Justin, seriously, stop." I said, pushing him away from me. Justin just looked at me, his eyes still pooling with tears.

With hurt in his voice he said, "I'm so sorry." He inhaled slowly before going back to the window and crawled back out, leaving me alone sobbing.

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