Chapter 4

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"You're all that matters to me

Yeah, yeah

What's a king bed without a queen?"

I sang a few lines from the chorus All That Matters as I was recording the song for the third time since I messed up another time. I messed up again.

"Okay, Justin, let's take a break." My manager said, stopping the music. I sighed and went out the studio. "Is something wrong kid? You don't look so good."

"It's nothing." I said, waving him off.

"Nothing? That was the third time you messed up. That never happened before. Something's going through your head right now." Scooter told me.

"Whatever." I said, plopping down on the couch. I shook my head and took out my phone, going through my twitter.

I came across Selena's twitter. My heartbeat stopped for a moment as I saw Selena's profile picture. I sighed again and turned off my phone.

"When will you ever get over her?" Scooter asked me, plopping down next to me.

"I don't know." I said, shaking my head.

"So that's what's been going through your head, huh?" Scooter asked me. I looked at him and nodded.

"I guess."

"You need to get over her." He said. "How about you take a year off." He asked me. I raised both of my eyebrows at him. Is he giving me a break?

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"After all the songs are finished and the Believe Movie is done, I'll let you have a break." Scooter said.

"I don't know, Scooter. My fans..."

"If they really are fans, they'll understand." He said. "Come on!" He put his hand on my shoulder. "You haven't take a time off since you were twelve. I also believe that you should find out about what you want to be. And try to get over Selena." Added Scooter.

"I guess I would want to spend time with my family." I gave him a small smile. Scooter smiled back at me.

"Let's finish the song so that your break starts earlier!" Scooter exclaimed. I smirked. It's like Scooter wants to get rid of me.

Leaving the thoughts about my break, I went back in the studio and finished the songs. I still made some mistakes, which meant we had to redo that part again.

My thoughts kept on returning back to the break that Scooter's giving me. Maybe Scooter was right. I need some time to think about who I want to be. If I still want to be a star or to do something else.

I also want to forget about Selena. I know she moved on, but I can't. I can't even stop thinking about her. I don't know how she could just let me go like that. We could have been happy. I wouldn't be heartbroken like this.

As I went to bed, I still had my thoughts on what Scooter said.

"How about take a year off?"

"You haven't take a time off since you were twelve. I also believe that you should find out about what you want to be. And try to get over Selena."

"How will I get over her?" I asked to myself.

I sighed again and turned over, trying to get a comfortable spot to sleep in, but I really can't.

"This is going to be a long night." I said again. I must be stupid since I'm talking to myself now.

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