Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

8 months later

I watched as Sherlyn fell asleep on my shoulder when we were watching a movie. Well, we weren't exactly watching. I'll be poking her ribs then and there, making her giggle and shriek. Then she'll either snuggle next to me and hug me tighter. Or I'll even try and make out with her by kissing her on the neck, making her giggle and try to get off of me and making me yearn more of her touch.

I kneeled down and watched as she fell asleep. A hand was under the side of her face, making her cheek look a little chubbier. Her lips were parted in a cute way, and her eyes were closed. She actually look like an angel. Someone so cute and someone so beautiful.

I felt another wave of guilt inside me. I haven't told her yet, and for some reason, looking at her sleep made me fall in love with her. Over the months, as our relationship grew, I slowly fell in love with her.

Hearing and thinking her name made my heart flutter, as girly as it sounds, but it was true. I changed because of her. I don't drink as much, and I don't smoke anymore. I changed because she changed me, and she changed me in a good way.

Yes, there was still the guilt. I'm still worried about what will happen if Sherlyn found out about my secret, but right now I wanted to enjoy the moment where someone loves me because of me, and not because of what I've become.

And for some reason, I started loving her. The real her.


"Hey," I greeted Sherlyn, kissing the top of her head. Sherlyn gave me a small smile and looked down at her lap, a little too distracted in her thoughts.

"What's wrong?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her and sitting down next to her.

"Nothing," she answered back in a small voice, shaking her head slightly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and hugged her tightly. "What's wrong?" I asked, in a low voice. Sherlyn looked like she was about to cry and I saw the computer. She was looking at her tweets again. People talking about how she wasn't good enough for me. It broke my heart when I saw one tear roll down her cheek. I reached my hand up and wiped down that tear, not wanting to see her cry again.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"No, I'm sorry." I argued. "They aren't supposed to say that to you. You're just innocent."


"You know what? Don't listen to them." I said. I held both of her hands and looked at her in the eyes. "They don't know anything about us. Our smile, our laugh, our kisses, our love. We both love each other and other's words don't matter. I love you because of you, and I know you do, too."

I kissed the top of her forehead just as another tear rolled down her cheek. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her passionately. She was mine. That's all that matters now. She loves me, and I love her.

I couldn't believe it at first. Sayings are true. The more you stay with someone, the more you'll love them, and that's exactly what happened to me. At first, I knew, I thought she wasn't the one for me. But when I met her, when I truly met her, I realized that she needed me, and I needed her back.

Yes, there were some fights over stupid things, but for some reason, I'm the one who can't stand her and I'm the one who apologizes first, since I thought it was the right thing to do. I was afraid and lonely when we had a fight and we may not see each other for at least two days. That's how it has always been.

Looking at her right now, I don't know how to live without her. She was my rock. She was the person that I could tell anything to (except of the secret I had) and all the feelings and rant to. Even she understood my feelings for Selena, and surprisingly, I moved on from her.

I didn't know when, but I knew that I moved on. It was probably the night when I watched Sherlyn sleep. She was in my arms, holding me tightly as if she can't let me go. As I watched her sleep, my features softened but my feelings grew stronger.

When we both pulled away, I hugged her, letting her head lay on my chest. I yearned for her touch, and I sure do she yearns for mine, too. It was her, and everything about her, was now a part of me. And I love that.

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