Chapter 17

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"Hey, is something wrong?" I asked Justin when we went back to his house after the movie. My eyes furrowed in confusion. I haven't seen Justin like this for a while and it concerned me to see him this way. I held his face in both my hands to make him look at me.

Justin looked at me guiltily. I furrowed my eyebrows even more, not knowing what's really happening to Justin. I haven't seen him like this. "I'm fine." He answered simply before heading to the couch and sit down.

I sat next to him and squeezed both his hands to make him look at me. "Really, what's wrong?" I asked.

Justin looked at me again, the guilt still on his face. He held my face with both his hands before he kissed me forcefully. It felt like the temperature in the room dropped as I felt my hands getting sweaty.

Justin deepened the kiss and never stopped making contact. He pushed me down further in the couch, laying me down. He was now on top of me and kissed me deeper, if that's even possible.

His lips found it's way on my jaw, then made contact between my shoulder and neck. I wrapped my arms on his neck to close the distance between us. His hand traveled down to my waist as the other was still planted on my cheeks. He went back kissing my lips passionately yet hungrily.

I felt his tongue trying to enter. I opened my mouth, letting him some entrance. His tongue explored my mouth. A soft moan escaped my lips when he bit my lip. We both pulled back and rested on each other's forehead. I gasped for air as I felt my lungs about to shrivel up. I could feel his hot breath mixing with mine.

I opened my eyes to see two brown orbs staring at me, guilt still plastered on his face. "Don't leave me." He said suddenly. His face showed surprise at what he has said, mimicking my expression. I never would have thought that he could say that ever. At the same time, I felt my heart beating faster at his words.

"I won't." I responded back to him, a small smile on my face.

He looked back at me, now with joy in his eyes before he started kissing me again.

I couldn't sleep that night. The only thing in my head was Justin and Selena. I'm a total Belieber and I remembered how my heart felt when I knew that Selena and Justin were together. I totally hated her and seeing her tonight made me feel venom seeping in my bones.

I looked up and look at Justin, who's hands were wrapped around me body. He was clearly asleep and looks like he doesn't want to be bothered. I put my palms on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart. I reached up kissed him softly on the lips, not wanting him to wake him up. I leaned back down and buried my face in between his neck and shoulder, gently sniffing the scent he gave off.

It occurred to me how I don't really know anything about his past relationship. Yes, I may be a total Belieber but I actually don't really know who he really is, heck he hasn't even introduced me to his mom! Disappointment ran over me as soon as I realized that. Sure we were seen in public and been exposed in magazines now, but I wanted to meet his mom formally.

I closed my eyes and listened to Justin's heartbeat, trying to stop the thoughts that's running through my head. What are you thinking, Justin? I thought to myself. What is your deepest secret?

I felt Justin shift as he crossed a leg on me. It was amazing how my body tingles with his touch. I felt him starting to caress my hair and kissed the top of my head. I closed my eyes, my eye lashes brushing his chest, to make him know that I wasn't awake. Justin pulled a strand of hair behind of my ear, having a clear image of the half of my face.

I knew Justin was looking at me, since I can feel it. He propped his head on his knuckles, his elbows supporting it. I shifted, already missing his touch. Justin's calloused fingers brushed my cheeks, gently and softly. I tried very hard not to move since it felt ticklish.

I felt a wash of drowsiness over me. I was getting tired, feeling my muscles relax. I tried keeping awake, to know what Justin might say. This is what people do. They'll wake up in the middle of the night with somebody and may or may not speak to the person, tell them what they are thinking.

I tried staying awake, but with your eyes closed and pretending that you are asleep can make you drowsy.

What are you thinking?

Justin's pair of lips touched mine gently. I tried even harder to not kiss back and to not fall asleep, but his kiss made me feel more drowsier and makes me feel weaker. This kiss felt different, and even if I don't kiss back it had more emotion than the others we had. More butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my heart's wings started fluttering, too.

When he removed his lips and I could feel the pair of brown eyes on me. I waited as my eye lids felt heavier and heavier. "Sherlyn," I heard him say, sending shivers through me spine. His rough hands held mine. "I'm-" and I fell asleep.

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