3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 1, Part 2

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3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage


The jeeped purred to life as she stomped on the gas pedal and we were off.


Day 1

Part 2

POV Delaynee

It may have taken us a couple of tries, and multiple bathroom stops, but we are here we are, on the road towards the cottage. And when we finally get there, I can hide in my own room for hours until I figure out what to talk to the boys about. Chills rippled through my spine at I thought about the room I was about to inhabit. I'd only seen pictures of the cottage, but hot damn this place was amazing.

Not as amazing as the effect Nolie had on the group though. Ever since she's been in the car, there has never been silence. Most of the time actually, it isn't her that's speaking. Usually, it was Lucas screaming at Veronica from the back seat. Lucky me, I got to sit beside him. His rambling went something like this, "Hey Veronica, guess what. I just made the senior basketball team. Hey Veronica, guess what, I just made the Track team. I think I'll dominate the 800 meter this year. Hey Veronica, guess what, I just beat my high score on the new COD game for PSP. Hey Veronica, guess what, my girlfriend was pissed when I told her I was going to the cottage with you. So I broke up with her." Most of his comments were really self centered and annoyed the hell out of me but I kept quiet.

Nolie on the other hand, gave Lucas the death stare after about an half hour. Being about as dense as he looks, he didn't pick up on it. So she said "Hey Lucas, guess what, we don't care." She turned around again, leaving a look of disbelief on his soft features. Nolie really knew how to leave 'em speechless. I envy her honesty. I wish I could just talk like that to boys. Actually, I wish I could talk to them at all. The only guy that I could talk to like that was Eli, who happened to be sleeping happily on my shoulder. Glad somebody was relaxed because I sure as hell wasn't.

Eli was a rare type of guy, let's just leave it at that. He's the kind we would call "special," he's incredibly social for a guy and I would be surprised he wasn't able to just start up an hour long debate right on the spot. He's also really sweet, caring and compassionate. When we were younger, he used to come to the Humane Society to volunteer with me. He was such a mush for romance and was always giving me great advice. He is the exact opposite of his brother, Lucas. By what I knew of him, he had quiet the reputation. Not exactly the best one either. He is known to use his blond hair and sparkly green eyes to get exactly what he wanted out of girls. He is the ultimate player. He is also the ultimate athlete. So I guess I do have some respect for him.

Dylan hadn't said much. Actually, he hadn't said anything. The first thing I heard from him (other than repeat drumming noises) was a chuckle that escaped after Nolie completely dissed Lucas.

He'd been listening to his IPod the whole time. God knows the trash he was listening to. From the looks of it, well, the looks of him, It seemed like he would be the type who listened to trashy garage band shit some people call rock. No offense to him if he likes that stuff, it's the only kind of music I can't stand. I wish I could just whip out my guitar (which was currently buried under Nolie's stuff in the trunk) and show him some real music. Don't get me wrong, he might be nice.

From what can you tell about a guy who wears a leather jacket and hoody in southern Ontario in the summer. I mean come on! He must know the kind of image he sends out. You never know though, I could learn that he is the nicest person in the world, if he even spoke.

"Mmm" I heard Eli mumble as he lifted his giant ass head off my shoulder.

"Good morning sunshine!" I heard Lucas say sarcastically to his brother.

"Fuck Off." Eli hissed as he yawned.

"Hey! Would you like me to just pull this truck over?" Veronica threatened "Oh shit!" She screeched as she swerved on the road ahead of us.

"Keep your eyes on the road, loser." Nolie commented rolling her eyes.

"How about you shut up?" She replied sarcastically knowing full well that Nolie might continue to nag her for the rest of the trip if she keeps pushing her buttons.

"How about you both shut up!" I interjected throwing my hands up into the air nearly smacking Eli across his face.

Everyone was silent. Then, "Sorry to interrupt this heart to heart, but when are going to arrive?" Said Dylan. Nolie Giggled. What? Nolan never giggles.

I looked at Nolie curiously wondering if she was in fact my reserved and blunt best friend. Hmmm, I wonder if she has a crush. Realizing that Dylan and Nolie might have a spark between them I examined Dylan to try to imagine why she would be attracted to him. It obviously wasn't because of his attire, I could tell you that. Maybe it was because he looked like a bad boy. Something Nolie and I did not have in common been our taste in boys. Or was it because that they have a similar sense of humor, and were sarcastic.

Whatever the reason was, it seemed like there was something going on between them. Nolie doesn't just giggle for anybody. I wonder is Veronica picked up on it too. I looked into her rear view mirror. She stared back. Yup, she got it.




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