3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 2, Part 2

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hey everyone! This part was written by all of us! Hope you like it!

PS the next part you'll meet a very important to this story! :)

Enjoy Day 2, Part 2 :)!


Day 2

Part 2

POV Veronica

I awoke from my slumber with a smile plastered on my face. I had dreamed that Lucas and I were sitting in a cozy gondola snuggling as soft romantic violin music played in the background and the gondolier paddled his way through the canals. Oh what I dream. I laid there a while, willing myself to fall asleep again so that my picturesque dream could continue. No such luck. I got out of the warm bed and stumbled my way into the bathroom only to see Delaynee sleeping quiet peacefully in the tub. IN THE TUB! What the hell had she done? I decided to shower in the one that she shared with Lucas and Eli. Ewe! The bathroom was disgusting!

My mind numbing experience in a co-ed bathroom got worse as I was met by a cold shower. Apparently I wasn't the only one up. I knew Nolie wasn't up, and neither was Delaynee and it would blow my mind to see Lucas up before noon. I laughed, this cottage had no room for hot water, but it had an indoor hot tub. This place was retarded, I mumbled.

I stumbled down the stairs, in a pleasant mood. God, what was wrong with me, it was 9 o'clock in the morning, any other human being would be asleep, well, at least all the one's I have any respect for are. I waltzed into the kitchen, acting like a retard as I struck a pose to the invisible audience. "Lord help me if anyone say that," I prayed. I turned around to face the mahogany cupboards, I opened one up and peered inside at the vast amounts of food I had yet to eat.

My stomach growled as I reached into the back for the Pancake Mix. I was going to do something nice for all the others. I was going to be a nice person today, I decided as I turned to get the eggs from the fridge. Well atleast as long as my good mood lasts. I let out a little shriek as I noticed Dylan, who was standing at the fridge, invading my personal space.

"Hi." I said, a little too enthusiatic.

"Oh, hey." He said, sounding a little disappointed.

"Don't sound to upset. Who were you expecting anyways?" I asked curiously wondering if he wanted some alone time with Nolan.

"Well, I was sort of hoping you were Nolie," He admitted with a little smile, apparently I wasn't the only one with a crush.

"Your really starting to like, like her aren't you? And its only been a day, love at first sight," I added teasingly to him.

"Yeah, I guess I am." He answered, but not without blushing a mad shade of red. "I guess I'll go have a shower," He said as he turned to go back down stairs. Dylan trotted sleepily down the hall towards the stairs.

I worked diligently, cracking eggs and flipping pancakes. Before long a tall stack of pancakes was beginning to form. I doubted they were enough to fill the stomachs of six teenagers so I made more, and more, and until it had almost been an hour and I was sweating from standing in front of the stove.

Eli was the first to come into the kitchen after Dylan, he was still half asleep and his hair was pinned in about thirty different directions. I laughed at the sight of him. This was not the usual, well kept Eli I was used to. He sat down at the counter, which was long and had six stools. I gave him a plate stacked high with pancakes and he set to work silently. Next came in Lucas, although not from upstairs. He burst through the front door about three minutes after Eli had sat down. He's probably just come back from a run. He looked at me and my pancakes and smiled.

"Look babe, I know you made those just for me, but I'm going to have to shower before I can eat," I blushed furiously as he turned back down the hall towards the bathroom.

Dylan was a bright shade of red when he returned to the kitchen. He sat at the furthest stool away from me and the stove and ate the pancakes in front of him in complete silence. Nolie soon followed and sat took her pancakes out onto the deck to eat, but not before giving Dylan a sideways glance and turning bright red when he caught her eye. Something had defiantly happened this morning after Dylan had left the kitchen. After a little while longer, Delaynee trotted down the stairs and hobbled over to the stools.

"Oh my god, I am so sore." She complained as she sat down next to Eli and took a sip of the juice I gave her.

"Might this have anything to do with you sleeping in my bathtub last night?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, about that, I'm not sure what happened but I woke up there with no recollection of last night," She admitted as she stabbed her pancakes.

"Sounds like you were punch-love-drunk." Eli teased, quoting her favorite band. Delaynee continued to stabbed and to cut the mountain of pancakes until each piece was the size of a loonie.

We were all eating quietly, focusing on devouring my delicious pancakes until the silence was ripped to shreds by the sounds of an out of tune guitar coming from upstairs. As the sound began to get louder Lucas came into the kitchens with a jet black guitar singing some cheesy rendition of sweet home Alabama. He pointed at me as he sang 'Oh I'm comin' home to you'. I felt my face redden as he continued to prance around singing and strumming. As soon as Lucas was finished Eli rolled his eyes.

"Wow Lucas, you really have a way of impressing girls." He said somewhat sarcastic.

"At least I like girls." Lucas shot back. Eli froze in place, dropped his fork and stalked off angrily. Well, so much for a happy breakfast, I thought bitterly.


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