3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 3, Part 3

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3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage

Day 3

Part 3

POV Veronica

I by far, had the worst prank. Although I knew I deserved this after the pranks I made my friends do, I really didn't want to do this. Since there was no way that I was going to give Nolie and Delaynee the satisfaction of watching me as I squirm my way out of this with lame excuses, I had to go through with it. This was, I double dare you after all, the epitome of Truth Or Dare. There was no backing out of this.

So, that is how I found myself, taking my bra off, and getting ready to shove my breasts in the face of the world. Today the sun was unusually bright the sky was cloudless. You couldn't see another human being for miles. Currently I was hiding in the trees at a futile attempt to mask my identity, knowing it would do no good. Reluctantly I hung my bra on a branch and crossed my arms in front of my chest. This had had to be the worst dare my friend could have thought of, I thought as I walk across the sandy shoreline towards the dock. I stepped onto the dock and sucked in a breath. I really hope no one decided to go boating today.

Before letting everything hang loose I stole a glance at the house. Nolie and Delaynee were watching me from the kitchens balcony. They were laughing hysterically and their faces had turned a bright shade of red from laughing so hard. I rolled my eyes and prepared to scream. Knowing I had to do this or I'd chicken out I let out a breathed in a deep breath and screamed, "Your Mamma!" And I threw my hands into the air as I did so. Birds flocked from the tree and I'm pretty sure if I had yelled a little louder my mom might have heard me back at home.

I began to laugh at myself in spite of myself and Nolie and Delaynee joined me laughter. That had been sort of a stress reliever. I no longer wanted to throw a punch at Lucas. I smiled and thought fleetingly, maybe I should do that more often. Suddenly I heard Nolie and Delaynee's laughter cut off and I turned around forgetting to cover myself. The boys had just arrived home. Unfortunately they had a clear view of the lake, the dock and of course me.

Dylan saw me first as he hopped out of the passenger seat, and as he realized what he was seeing, he smiled then yelled to Lucas, who had just finished getting the beer out of the back of the truck. He turned quickly in my direction and laughed, so loudly I could hear it down from the dock. The only person who hadn't seen me half naked was Eli, the only one of the boys who I was actually on good terms with.

Mortified that they'd seen my breasts I took the nearest exit, by jumping into the lake. I was so embarrassed when I hit the water I considered never coming up for air again. Sadly my need for air overtook my pride and resurfaced. I could see Nolie and Delaynee laughing like mad women on the balcony and Dylan and Eli walking inside. The only person that wasn't accounted for was Lucas.

The water seemed to have cooled down overnight and was a chilling temperature. I wrapped my arms around myself and began to wade into shallow waters. "Can someone bring me down a towel?" I begged as I began to feel colder by the minute. Unknowingly someone had crept up on me and it shocked when someone cleared their throat. I turned around and saw Lucas towering over me on the dock.

"I thought that maybe you'd need this," he offered, extending the t-shirt towards me. I blushed again at the thought of having to get out of the lake and put on a shirt in front of him. It seemed like he finally realized my discomfort because he turned beat red. He almost instantaneously placed the shirt down on the dock and walked to stand behind the tree that had hidden me earlier. I sighed gratefully and pulled myself from the water, careful not to expose myself to much. I slipped the t-shirt over my head and walked over to Lucas.

"Thanks," I mumbled not knowing why he still hid behind the tree. "Lucas stop being such a drama queen and come out. I'm fully clothed," I sighed as I threw my hands in the air. Since he hadn't responded to my comments I wandered closer to him beginning to wonder if he was sick or something. "Are you okay Lucas?" I asked.

"Yes," He answered his voice sounding husky.

"Are you sure?" I pressed as I rested my hand on his shoulder. He flinched and I quickly retracted my hand. "I'll just go upstairs then," I sneered offended by his reaction. I began to walk away but he caught my hand.

I immediately yanked my hand out of his hold and turned around. "Ronnie I'm sorry," I heard him say as I turned to walk up the stairs.

I swayed my hips from side to side hoping I show him exactly what he's missing. I was still fuming about his attitude when I realized, he had a boner. Why else would he have acted like that? I giggled a little bit at the realization. Does that mean he still likes me? No, it just means he's still attracted to girls. Pushing my emotional dilemma aside I turned the door handle to the cottage. Before going inside I turned to face him and yelled, "Hey Lucas! Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to point?"


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