3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 3, Part 5

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Hey everyone! Heres the new part. Can you believe the end of day three is near and some of the couples are having problems. Surprisingly Im not talking about Lucas and Ronnie. I cant wait to hear what you think!


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3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage



Day 3

Part 4

"There are five of us. Nolie is super smart, really artsy, and is going to be a famous writer one day. Eli is my best friend. He's really funny and makes my day," I said and noticed a flash of jealously cross his face. Then I continued, "Veronica is so loud. She's kind of in your face but she's really sensitive. Lucas is a lot like her, loud and obnoxious. I'm not supposed to like him but I think he's got a good heart. There's also Dylan, he's the opposite of Lucas, Eli and Ronnie. He's quiet and I don't really know that much about him." I said quickly. Will looked a little lost at the string of names and descriptions so I bounded to my feet and reached for Will's hand. "Why don't you come meet them?" I asked.

Will smiled and I helped him up. I shed the furry towel he had given me and was about to jump back into the cold water when Will grabbed my shoulder and pointed at the bat that was nestled in a cozy boat house just to my right. I followed Will and hoped into the passenger's side as he started the boat and we practically flew back to the dock. When we got there, I jumped out and looked around.

Eli had fallen asleep on the dock once again and looked like he was roasting. I nudged him with my foot any smiled as he groaned and turned onto his back. Ronnie and Nolie were sitting peacefully in the brightly colored chairs, Nolie with a huge book on her lap, and Ronnie nursing a glass of something or other. I couldn't find Lucas or Dylan, but figured these three were enough.

"Hey guys, I brought somebody," I announced, attracting everyone's attention. "This is Will," I pointed out as he hoped out of the boat. "Will, this is Eli," I nudged him with my foot again and he reached his arm up as a wave. "That's Nolie, the girl with the book," She looked up briefly, but upon seeing Will, began to stare. "And that," I pointed at Ronnie, "Is Veronica."

She looked up instantly at Will. Her jaw went slack and she dropped her drink. Picking it up quickly she announced, "I need a new drink." She stood up and walked briskly to the cottage.

Well... That was embarrassing...


Part 5

POV Nolie

Instead of following Ronnie up the stone steps to back towards the cottage I stayed and attempted to continue to read my book. I stared blindly at my thick book, but my mind began to wander to Dylan. He's been so sweet today, I never really thought I'd want someone around when I drew or I never thought I'd ever be able to just sit quietly with someone before. Sure I've had boyfriends but they were all insensitive and I never really connected with them on a mental level.

Dylan was different, in a good way. He always made me laugh and I am constantly smiling around him. He's also super smart. He just makes me happy. I closed my eyes and imagined him and I, wrapped in a blanket, sitting by the fire. Dylan leaned in and then- "Nolie?" Eli's voice interrupted my day dream. I looked up at him through my sunglasses trying to burn a hole through his forehead because he disturbed my vivid dream.

"Yes," I replied through clenched teeth. He looked confused but waved his hand in the air and dismissed what he had been about to say. I shrugged it off because if it had been important he would have said something. I wonder if he suspects I know about his diary. I mean, I assume it's a diary or maybe he prefers it to be called a journal? Well whatever it is, I'll talk to him about it later.

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