3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 2, Part 4

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3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage

Day 2

Part 4

POV Nolie

I quickly followed my two best friends off the end off dock into the lake. "Cannon-ball!" I screamed before I hit the water. The lake was surprisingly cool and extremely refreshing. Immediately I gasped a breath of air as I resurfaced and gave my two best friends a sheepish smile because I'd "accidently on purpose jumped close enough to them to get both of their hair wet, as both of them had somehow jumped off the dock without getting their head under water. "Sorry," I apologized as I noticed Ronnie and Delaynee inching closer to where I currently was floating. "Let's not do anything you two would regret later," I reasoned as I started to back away.

Ronnie glared at me with her mascara dripping down her cheeks. She looked like a clown with all that makeup smudged across her face. I tried to suppress the laugh that threatened to ruin this moment but it was too late when she attempted to wipe it off. Sadly this only made her resemble a clown even more. "I am so sorry, but I can't take you seriously when you look like that," I giggled tumbling over into the water.

I splashed around in the lake imagining her with giant clown shoes to match. I soon heard another laugh join mine. Feeling completely immature and knowing I needed to stop or I'd never, I tried to breathe through my nose but failed when I saw Delaynee trying to do the same thing.

Delaynee and I were laughing so hard now that it had awakened Eli on the dock. "What's so funny?" He asked curiously. Veronica and I swam closer to the shore. I waded through the water towards the dock and heaved myself up on it. Eli was sitting no more than six feet away. Like a little kid trying to get their parents to come swimming with them I quickly ran over to him a big bear hug before he could protest. He tried to squirm out of my arms but I held on tight. He laughed as I pulled away flashing a cheesy grin as I raced off the dock as Eli attempted to catch me.

Eli was supporting a frown and gave me a mischievous smile as I came up for air. Knowing he was going to do something I'd rather he didn't I began to swim away. Eli paddled quickly, closing the gap between us until he was right behind me. Panicking I began to swim away but he had already lunged at me. I screamed before going under water. When I resurfaced I frowned at frowned at Eli and turned around to see Delaynee and Veronica had joined Dylan and Lucas on the dock.

They were all clutching their sides from laughing so hard. "Nice one Eli!" Lucas hollered as he ripped off his shirt and dove gracefully into the water. He was soon followed by Dylan, who also had stripped his t-shirt he had been wearing earlier. It's not I haven't seen him shirtless before because as I recall I'd stumbled into the bathroom this morning and had seen a lot more skin. I was snapped out of my haze when I heard another person jump into the water, now Delaynee was the only one on the dock.

She was looking completely spaced out. Delaynee eyes were glazed over in a dreamy haze as she subconsciously stared at the forest of trees that separated us from the cottage next door. I knew she was thinking about the boy she supposedly met. I wondered what he was like. I only knew that his name was Will and that he was gorgeous. Delaynee and Veronica always got their guy, I thought dramatically feeling a stab of jealously. Delaynee's blue eyes sparkled and snapped to attention as Lucas called her from the water. Lucas causally smiled at her suggestively and immediately Delaynee joined us in the lake.

Veronica frowned and narrowed her eyes as Delaynee and Lucas played in the water together. Personally I knew Lucas only had eyes for Veronica but obviously Veronica hadn't come to this conclusion yet. Her wet hair was stuck to her neck and her makeup was still sliding down her face. Yet she still somehow managed to look good. Her eyes trailed on Delaynee as she swam towards Lucas and splashed him. The anger in her eyes was only intensifying. I stifled a laugh and lunged at her, hoping to brighten her mood.

Before I could reach Veronica, Delaynee had decided we should play the game where you sit on people's shoulders and try to push the other players off. The objective of the game was to be the only one group left standing. Veronica smiled in delight and literally jumped on Lucas's shoulders. Dylan and I being the only ones left reluctantly paired up. We were both still awkward around each other considering this morning's encounter. Of course, I was seriously nervous because of the fact that he basically saw me naked this morning and wondering how he would react being paired up. Would he reject me? No, he wouldn't. Right? Trying to push all doubts aside I jumped on climbed up his back nonchalantly.

"Ready. Set. Go!" Veronica yelled as everyone tried to tackle each other. Dylan and I were unfortunately the first to fall.

Later on Dylan and Eli decided to that they needed to compete to see who could do the best cannon ball off. The ten foot high diving board was conquered by Dylan's cannon ball and Eli's graceful dive. I laughed and swam to join them.

We played on the platform for a while longer before I noticed the fact the Veronica and Lucas had been slowly edging away. He was pulling her by the hand towards the dock. I tapped Delaynee who was shivering next to me and pointed at the dynamic duo. She giggled a little bit and pushed me in. When I came up for air, Ronnie and Lucas had disappeared up into the cottage. Delaynee and I shared a quick glance knowing we were so going to get the details later.


Will Veronica and Lucas finally be together?

Will one kiss become two?

Do you want details?


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