3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage, Day 4, Part 6

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3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage

Day 4

Part 6

POV Delaynee

Day 4, Part 6. POV Delaynee.

As soon as Nolie rushed out of the room, I watched Eli roll his eyes and stomp out dramatically behind her. I widened my eyes once more, what had I just done? It seemed like in one moment of pure rage, I had ruined my relationship with the three most important people in my life. All of a sudden, my knees started to tremble and I wobbled over to the chair by the large bay windows of Nolie's room. I reached it just in time because as soon as I did my knees gave out and I fell like a lump of coal into the chair.

I pulled my broken knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. That's when the tears started running. The water dripping down my cheeks felt foreign, as I hadn't let the forbidden tears leak from my eyes in years. And that's when the wall fell down. It was like everything that had ever gone wrong in my life was suddenly coming to mind and hitting me over the head like a tonne of bricks. All the fights I'd had with my mom, every boy I'd had break my heart, all the disappointments and failures all came back like a tidal wave as it crashed over me. Everything that I'd kept bottled up overflowed as the tears fell down my cheeks. I ducked my head into my lap and stayed there, crying like a small child, until I heard the outside door slam.

The bang had awoken me from my semi-conscience state, it made my ears ring and head pound. I couldn't be hungover yet! Could I? The ringing was getting louder and the pounding in my skull wouldn't stop so I uncurled myself from a tight little ball and wandered out of Nolie's room and towards the kitchen.

When I entered the brightly lit room, I recoiled at the lighting and let out a groan before pushing forward towards the cabinet where I knew the advil was stored. As I crossed the hall towards the kitchen and living room, I saw Nolie standing in the middle, warming herself by the giant brick fireplace. Upon hearing my little groan, she turned her head to face me. With daggers in her eyes she flipped her head away from me and stormed out the door. But not before breaking my heart and sending me into another fit of tears. I ran to seek refuge in the kitchen, only to find one last case of beer with three beers left.

I downed them quickly, happy to have some sense of relief from my hectic night. When I had chugged the third one, I tossed the bottle carelessly into the sink and picked myself up of the little spot I'd chosen on the ground. I collected myself to the best of my drunken ability and walked clumsily towards the front door. I threw it open with all my might and stumbled all the way down the driveway, road and right to the door that I knew led right into Will's bedroom.

I stood in front of it and banged on the dark glass harshly. "WILL!" I hollered loudly, although I'm sure it was slurred beyond recognition. Just then a light flicked on inside the room and Will, dressed sloppily in just a pair of pajama pants and a tattered old t-shirt, was strutting towards the door. He swung it open with a gasp.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" He asked loudly before grabbing my wrist and harshly pulling me inside. Hiding me from the bitter cold of the night. "Delaynee. That phone call had me so worried. What the hell happened!" He almost yelled.

I looked at him with a look of what I assume was sheer terror, I'd never heard him so... angry? I hiccuped then leaned into him and looked up, making sure I was as close as possible. Before he or I could say anything, I reached up and grabbed his head for a long, passionate kiss.

At first he was hesitant, but I forced myself to lean into him and before long, he had his hands entangled in my dark, wavy hair and was kissing me back fiercely. I pushed him into his room and backed him up so far he fell into the short, unmade bed, sitting without a frame on the carpeted floor. We fell together with a thud, and parted just long enough for me to giggle. He raced back in and pulled me closer to his chest. I pushed back on his shoulders before taking off his shirt and climbing onto his chest. I giggled again and went in for another kiss. We made out passionately for a few more minutes, but suddenly a new hunger washed over me. I freed my hand from behind his head and tried to slip it subtly down his loose pants.

I was halfway down when he moved his head and grabbed my arm, mid stretch.

"Stop." He stared, pulling my arm out the using the same hand to steady my head, making me look him in the eye. "Your drunk. I would never forgive myself if we did something you'll regret." He said with a look of innocence.

I looked at him and was so furious with the feeling of rejection that I swung my head violently, fighting his grip and pulling my head up. The tears began to form in the corners of my eyes again and I was desperately trying to fight them. But I was so tired, and drunk it seemed like the hardest thing I'd ever attempted. I groaned and began beating Will's chest with my fists. He yelled then worked hard to grab my flying fists. I was still outraged and began to scream. But it was to late, the tears were streaming down my face and I jumped off Will and raced to the opposite side of the room.

I threw myself against the wall and fell to a sit at the bottom. I curled into a ball once more and let the tears fall, to tired to bother fighting them. Soon, I felt Will sink down beside me and wrap a protective arm around me. I felt safe suddenly and leaned into him, crying into his shoulder. All the while he just sat there and tried to calm me down. How was it that in losing the three people that made my world spin, I'd gained the sweetest boy I'd ever met?



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