3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 1, Part 5

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"Nothing, it's just so obvious that you're into me" he replied, a cocky grin spreading out across his face.

The Nerve! I thought growing angrier. I'm not saying he was wrong or anything, but he could have at least left me with some of my dignity after this morning's incident. I mean it wasn't that obvious...was it? I looked at him before heaving a breath of frustration and leaving him standing in the middle of the room alone.


This was written by Katiecat and edited by me! :)


Delaynee's POV

Poised on the counter, I looked around the giant kitchen taking in my surroundings. The cabinets matched the dark, hardwood floor. Probably some endangered tree from the rain forest. Disgusting how somebody could just do that to our planet. I'm a total go green idiot, a tree hugger. I began to think about some stuff I could do if I was an environmentalist but Nolie voice snapped me out of my train of thought. "Get over yourself Ronnie. That's just the way he is. He's a douche, he's a player. He's an all around ass face. In fact I have only met him today and I already can tell you that. You've known him for while and you of all people know how he treats girls like trash." Nolie lectured.

I heard Veronica whimper, "No, I guess it is just the way he thinks?"

"You are too good for him Veronica," I offered silently think about how her and Eli would make a good couple.

"Where is the meat head anyway?" Nolie asked as she stirred the pot of boiling water.

"Don't call him that!" Veronica said defensively "He ran off with Eli and Dylan. Well, Dylan didn't really run, he sort of just walked slowly behind. But yea, they're somewhere."

Nolie was at the kitchen's high end stove boiling water, attempting to make dinner with the stuff we had found in the already stocked fridge. Nolie was the kind of girl that could burn water, but at least she tried. Unlike Veronica, who is probably the laziest one out of the three of us. She was sitting on one of the bar stools with her knees pulled up to her chin. She looked over at me and I gave her a huge, phony smile. I was bored here, we hadn't any fun yet. All we'd done since we'd got there three hours ago was unpack. By the time I came out of my room everybody was already unpacked. The boys had run off and Nolie had already tried the barbecue. Failing, she settled Mack and cheese. I guess we'd need Dylan's grill skills to get us through the week.

" Hey girls! Get your asses out here!" I heard Lucas yell from beach. Nolie rolled her eyes as Veronica perked up and jumped out of her chair enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes and followed her out the side door and into the yard.

The sun had just given up and tucked itself away for the night. But the humongous bonfire the boys had built illuminated the nighttime sky. I was taken aback by the size of the fire.

"So, who was the cub scout?" I asked, still mystified by their abilities.

"That would be me," said Eli as he danced gaily around his creation, making both Nolie and Dylan laugh. I threw up my hands and joined Eli in his mad dance around the fire. We joined hands and did our version of the jitterbug, laughing the whole time. Soon, everybody was dancing and laughing and all the tension that was so present in the car slowly melted away. Even Veronica, who was previously in an extremely sour mood, was happily prancing in circles around that fire.

Lucas was the first one to drop onto the logs the boys had positioned around the fire. "I thought you were a track star buddy! What happened to your stamina." Nolie taunted him as he panted, he chest heaving hard.

"I used it all on your mom last night." He replied coyly back. This dampened nobodies mood as Nolie laughed even harder. She laughed so hard she fell over, causing me to fall to the ground too, in fits of giggles.

Finally, we had all sat down, tired and laughing at our own stupidity. Dylan pulled out a bag of marshmallows as Eli disappeared into the thick woods that surrounded the cottage. When he returned, his hands were full of long, nimble twigs we would use to roast marshmallows. He handed them out to everybody, as did Dylan with his stash of marshmallows. Everybody stuck their marshmallows into the fire. "Oh my god!" Veronica screamed as she pulled her flaming marshmallow out of the fire. She got around and danced around waving her stick in the air. I laughed as I jumped up to help her. With one simple blow, I completely distinguished the flame and Ronnie let out a sigh of relief.

Lucas laughed, hard. Probably harder than necessary because Nolie gave him a dirt look. One which made Dylan feel the need to mums a laugh.

"Shut up," Veronica snapped playfully.

"Don't bite his head off." I warned secretly wondering if she would hit him.

"No," Eli continued, "Feel free to bite his head off."

"I wonder if green goo will come out." Dylan mused.

"Highly possible," agreed Nolie, beginning to laugh at her silly comment.

"How about you guys just shut up?" Lucas asked trying to keep a straight face. Ronnie moved closer to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Eli whistled causing me to break out into another round of giggles.

Lucas continued to chatter, but he couldn't hold my attention. I began to study my surroundings. We were tucked down on the beach, only meters away from the beautiful lake and the forest beside me. I looked into the thick woods, still as the night sky above me. I could barely see the cottage above me. Only the lights were visible. I found myself wondering who lived there. I sat silently, admiring my surroundings, wondering how I got there, around this huge fire, surrounded by friends.



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