3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 3, Part 6

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Hey everyone! Can you believe it? It's the end of day three already... Enjoy!


3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage




Then Lucas spoke, "So you like Nolie?" He asked and I froze in my spot wondering how Dylan would reply.

"Yeah, I guess. She's not my type though." Dylan began and I flinched like I'd been slapped. Not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, I quietly made my way back to the door I'd come in. I slowly tip toed towards the glass door and shut it quietly behind me.

The hot humid air surrounded me and welcomed me into its arms. I gulped down the air like water as I fought back my confusion. I wasn't his type? He had a type? Then why did he ask me out on a date? Was he playing with me? Did he just say that to get guy points? Realizing I was acting like an idiot and that I had to tell Veronica about Will coming to dinner tonight I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me.

The boys immediately paused the game and turned to face me. I sucked in a breath and tried to rearrange my facial expression so that it didn't show that I'd heard them. "Hey," I greeted them nonchalantly as jumped onto the couch beside Dylan. He shot up like a rocket and dropped his drum sticks. "Guess who's coming to dinner tonight?" I asked.

"Who is?" Lucas replied staring curiously at me. I raised my eyebrows and pointed out past the balcony and towards the dock. Lucas shrugged and opened the balcony door to look at our guest.

I was about to get up but Dylan leaned in and said, "So Will is coming tonight?" I turned to face him and was surprised by his closeness. His face was inches from mine. I could see the little scar above his eyebrow and I was getting lost in his astonishingly blue eyes.

"Yeah," I replied my voice above no more than a whisper. Our eyes met momentarily and my heart literally jumped in my throat. His reached up and he gently stroked away a stray hair off my face and I could feel my breathing growing heavier with excitement. I closed my eyes and begged myself for my world to stop spinning so I could get up and find Ronnie. Then I remembered what he said and found the will power to get up. "I got to go see Ronnie," I told him reluctantly as I pushed myself off the couch and away from him.

I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away to find Veronica. I secretly hoped that seeing me walk away hurt just as much as his snide comment did. Even if he didn't know I'd heard.


POV Delaynee

POV Delaynee

Everyone was finally seated and served, except me. "Lucas, can you please pass the corn?" I asked, wondering if he was able to hear me over the chatter at the table. He sat unmoving and continued to talk to Veronica. Sighing in frustration I repeated, "Lucas, can you please pass the corn? I stared at him waiting for him to respond but he didn't. "Lucas, pass the corn," I ordered, raising my voice to ensure that he could hear me. He flinched at the sound of my voice but continued to talk. I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at my bare plate deciding what to do.

Fortunately for me Eli had heard me asking and repeated it. "Hey. Moron!" He yelled down the table at Lucas. He reluctantly turned to face Eli and glared at him. I stifled a giggle and pointed to the corn. Lucas grunted in response but handed the corn to me.

"Thank you," I exasperated as I shovelled a spoonful of corn onto my plate. I stared down the table bemused by the bits and pieces of the conversation I could hear. Everyone was eating there dinner peacefully and was absorbed in their conversation.

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