3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 1, Part 6

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This is the last part of day one!! I know you will all love the first part of day two! I cant wait to hear what you think of Nolies prank! Remember to VOTE and COMMENT if you like what you read!



3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage

Day 1

Part 6

Nolie's POV *written by me*

I sat by the campfire absorbing the heat of the burning fire. The flames licked the wood and engulfed them in burning flames, and the calming smell of burning wood filled the air as the group sat around the campfire quietly enjoying a peaceful moment. I tilted my head up to stare at night sky. The sky that had once been a light blue was now so dark that it seemed that a black piece of velvet had been laid over the sky and sprinkled with shinning gems. I closed my eyes and breathed in, as I tried to commit this moment to memory. It had been a while since I had felt so relaxed and I had forgotten the beauty of it until now.

Sadly the moment was quickly ruined when Lucas opened his mouth. "Hey you guys want to go skinny dipping," He suggested, as he eye raped Veronica, Delaynee and I. Veronica wrapped her sweater around her tighter and gulped, Delaynee looked completely horrified and I bit back a laugh. As the Eli and Dylan chuckled obviously laughing at Lucas's idiotic idea, I had a thought of a brilliant plan.

"Sure," I said surprising everyone as five pairs of eyes stared at me obviously wondering if I was serious. I bit down my lower lip hoping I looked sexy because truthfully I was trying not to laugh at their reactions; Dylan looked taken a back, Eli looked intrigued, and Delaynee and Veronica were noticeably trying to keep a straight face because they knew I was up to something. Last but not least Lucas looked utterly shocked but wore a cocky grin across his face. Ha, he thought I was playing hard to get all of this time, I thought. How gullible is he? I wondered as I thought through my plan.

"Really?" Lucas asked eagerly. I nodded shyly not trusting myself to speak, thinking I would start to laugh.

"Well we better go back to the house and leave these two hormonal teenagers alone," Delaynee teased as she pulled Veronica off the log. As the rest of them left us alone I saw Veronica mouth 'go easy on him,' while Eli and Delaynee gave me a thumbs up. I gave a soft laugh and I started to wonder if my prank would actually work.

When I couldn't see them anymore I finally spoke, "I'm shy so I am just going to get unchanged over there, okay?" I asked but as I spoke he looked unconvinced. Deciding it wouldn't matter if he saw my underwear I started to pull off my top as I walked away, and I quickly heard the sound of a zipper follow. I smiled and continued to walk into the forest until I heard the splash of the water. I put my hand over my mouth as I tried to muffle my laugh.

Knowing he could see me I tip toed the edge of the forest and saw that his clothes were in reaching distance. I looked over to where he was in the lake, Lucas had already waded in up to his hips awaiting my entrance. I licked my lips in triumph and quickly dashed out of the forest grabbing his clothes in the process. "What the fuck," I heard him swear behind me.

"Sucker!" I yelled as I dashed up the steps laughing at him. I sprinted up the steps and ran into the great room to see Dylan, Eli, Veronica, and Delaynee sitting in silence. They all stared at me for a second then I realized something. I still had my top off. I felt my cheeks redden in embarrassment as I walked to the couch and awkwardly put my shirt back over my head.

"What did you do?" Delaynee asked a ridiculous smile spread across her face. Instead of answering I held up his clothes in my hand and put them down on the table. Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god!" Eli swore laughing uncontrollably. Dylan just stared at me in astonishment and Ronnie looked torn.

I rolled my eye and quickly realized I had forgotten the dinner on the stove. I jumped out of my seat and spirited across the great room into the kitchen and stared at the pot. Luckily I ate my weight in marshmallows at the campfire; the bad news was we weren't eating dinner tonight. I laughed and tossed the pan in the sink with a shy of relief then checked to make sure the burner was defiantly off.

As I sat down I noticed the awkward silence and realized I could hear someone yelling from outside. A small giggle escaped my lips. "I guess someone better go give him his clothes back," I sighed and tossed them to Veronica knowing she wouldn't mind if she caught sight of a little more than the rest of us were comfortable with. She shrugged and headed for the glass door.

Veronica's POV *written by rachelchk980 and me!*

I grabbed Luca's clothes off the table and stomped toward the glass door. While Nolie and Delaynee were both on the floor now clutching their sides, Dylan and Eli were trying to contain there laughter as they stood beside each other struggling keep straight faces that I knew would disappear as soon as I left. How could they be so mean? I know Lucas had some rough patches but that didn't mean there wasn't another softer more sensitive side to him, right? They stopped giggling only to wait for me to leave I suppose because as soon as the door shut behind me I could hear fits of hysterical laughter coming from back inside. I started down the hill toward the beach.

I tilted my head back to look at the stars. They littered the sky casting a bright light onto the lake. I swivelled my head back toward the beach noticing a body standing waist deep in the water. Even in the moonlight I could notice his sexy six pack and his tan. I felt my cheeks redden when I realized he had noticed me staring at him. Trying to ignore the awkward situation I walked down to the water's edge and dropped his clothes on the sand.

Immediately realizing he was getting out of the water, I turned around so my back was facing him. Not knowing if I should wait for him or go back to the cottage I stood in the said for a little longer. Deciding I was being an idiot I back toward the cottage. I was half way up the hill when I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned to see Lucas racing up the stairs, still shirtless. I reluctantly dragged my eyes away from his chest and began to continue walking up the huge stone steps. "Thanks Ronnie," He said from behind me, his breathing laboured.

"No big deal," I replied trying not to turn back and face him because I knew as soon as I did I would begin to drool again.

"No I mean it, seriously thanks. I don't know what I would have done if I would have had to stay in that lake much longer," Lucas admitted as he grabbed my arm, making me turn to face him. I sucked in a breath and examined him to make sure he wasn't pulling my leg. Since we've been friends he has always been pulling my leg but tonight he looked serious, seriously sexy. 'Damn it, pull your act together Veronica,' I thought as I nodded nonchalantly. I didn't turn around though and continue to stomp up the stairs though we stayed facing each other.

Lucas looked extremely vulnerable and very kissable right now. I've always found him attractive but I haven't really acted on my feelings. Maybe I'll kiss him once just to see what it's like? My body almost jumped him at that very moment but my mind resisted and showed some common sense.

"Well I better go upstairs now," I said breaking the silence deciding not to ruin our friendship with a kiss.

Nolie's POV

After an hour we were all in bed. The past hour consisted of Lucas yelling at me, Veronica gushing over him, Eli, Dylan and I talking and Delaynee trying to clean the pan I destroyed. I rolled over in my clean sheets and went to sleep.


END OF DAY 1!!!!

Hope you liked it!

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