3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 4, Part 1

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Sorry it took me so long to upload but the good thing is that since you've all been patient you get the first three parts of day4 four and a spoiler at the end of Day 3, part 4....


3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage


Part 1

POV Nolie

I slowly propped myself up onto my elbows as my eyes adjusted to the suns blinding light. Since my room was neglected when they were putting up blinds, I got the pleasure of waking up with the sun every morning. I squinted to see the time on the clock. It was six thirty in the morning, way too early for my liking but unable to fall back to sleep I rolled off the bed. I slipped on my slippers and without further delay I trudged into the bathroom.

I quickly put my unruly hair into a bun and splashed my face with cold water. Deciding no matter what I did to my face this morning I was going to be grumpy so, I walked back into my room and put on an oversized t-shirt over my underwear. As I opened my bedroom door, I had an idea. Careful not to wake anyone I climbed up the stairs and slipped into Elis room. I shut the door silently behind me and realized Eli was already up. He was reading a red leather covered book curled up in the sheets of his bed.

"Is that you, Nolie?" Eli asked, staring at me with uncertainty as he flicked on the nightstand light.

"Morning Eli," I said unsure of how to proceed with the topic. He opened his mouth to reply but I held up my hand. "Eli you might want to put the book down," I continued, hoping he realized what I was here to talk about.

He nodded then replied, "Okay." I smiled slightly and sat down on the bed. I looked up at him wondering if I was blindly following an irrational suspicion. I pushed my doubts aside and decided to take the direct approach.

"Eli, are you gay?" I mumbled sheepishly. I quickly saw something cross his stone expression, shock, disbelief? "I swear I won't tell anyone," I promised with conviction as I held his gaze. We sat unmoving for a few moments then I realized my mistake. I once again accused someone of something without any proof and I shouldn't be doing this to him. If he was gay he'd come out of the closet when he was ready. I shouldn't push the matter any further, with that thought I got up. "Sorry I shouldn't have said anything, I'm so stupid," I apologized but as I began to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"Nolie," He sighed, I turned around and stared at him quizzically.

I grimaced, I felt so ignorant. I shouldn't have done this. "Look Eli I'm really sorry for accusing you of being gay. It was wrong, I know that now," I rambled but he clamped his hand over my mouth. My thoughts were scrambled. For once I just shut my mouth and listened.

"Nolie, I am gay," He reluctantly confessed, as he waited for my reaction. He lowered his hand slowly. "Don't tell anyone, remember," Eli lectured obviously feeling insure about the confession.

I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes and swore, "Eli I swear not to breathe a word of this to anyone." He chuckled and nodded understanding I was sincere.

"What are you two doing?" A familiar voice asked. Praying it wasn't who I thought it was, I turned around only to have my suspicion confirmed. It was Dylan. I couldn't really quite remember of how of the next few seconds went. I dropped Elis hand, and Dylan and I exchanged words. Then somehow we ended up in the hallway yelling at each other.

"Dylan nothing happened!" I yelled trying to convince him.

He glared at me then screamed back, "Then tell me what you doing in his bedroom!"

I opened my mouth to reply but shut it. How was supposed to answer, I swore to Eli. "We were just talking Dylan, seriously. Nothing happened," I told him with conviction as I tried to close the distance between us.

"Are you telling me the truth?" Dylan asked, visibly relaxing.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not his type," I joked. "I'm not a lot of guy's type apparently," I mumbled remembering what he had said about me the other day.

Dylan looked at me then replied, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I looked at him. Doesn't he remember what he said? Am I going have to spell it out for him? "Seriously?"

"Nolie, don't look at me that way. I did nothing," He sneered.

My jaw dropped, "And I did! I'm innocent! Eli and were just talking!" I glared at him daring to tell me off.

"Why were you holding his hand then, Miss. Innocent?" He snapped.

"Does that matter?"I asked wondering realizing that if either wants this to work out between us we need to calm down. "Just calm down," I told him rationally in a cool and collected voice. He threw his hands in the air exasperated and walked away. I watched him and felt my heart slowly break. I really hope he gets over this otherwise I might miss out on a really good guy. Why did I say those things? What am I going to do?


Do you think they'll make up or will this relationship crash and burn?


What do you think of Eli being gay? Any thoughts?


Do you think Will and Delaynee will finally kiss on day 4?




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