3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage- Day 3, Part 4

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3 Girls, 3 Girls, 1 Cottage

Day 3

Part 4

POV Delaynee

After Ronnie's dive into the lake, it took Nolie and me a couple of minutes to stop laughing and pick ourselves up off the deck. Once we finally did, we spotted Veronica, head held high, and strutting her way up the stone steps the cottage. The sight of her threw us into another fit of giggles. I double dare you was, needless to say, a success. Not only did we have a riot, but I managed to pull off another prank while Ronnie was fighting with Lucas down by the dock.

After Lucas came back into the cottage, we all dispersed to our separate areas of the house. Nolie had taken a sketch pad and wandered to the dock, Dylan following her like a lonely and lost puppy. Ronnie and Eli had both hidden themselves deep in the bowels of their rooms. Lucas was the only one who remained in the kitchen.

I stood there in the kitchen entrance watching Lucas pace around the room like he was a mad scientist. Knowing I'd probably not want to interrupt whatever he was doing I tried to think of what to do. I rested against the wall for some time trying to decide whether to disturb Lucas's pacing race or go find someone to hang out with. I was only one left wandering the cottage aimlessly. I pounded my skull, trying to come up with something to do. Then it hit me...

I should go see Will!

I giggled at the thought of getting to see Will's dark eyes and muscular body again. I scampered off to my room happily. Once I got there, I harshly ripped off my clothes and threw on the bathing suit. I was semi-upset that I couldn't wear my favorite bikini again, but it was still soaked from yesterday's unexpected swim. Wearing my cute string blue bikini and rushed my way down to the dock. But before I left the cottage, I was sure to knock on both Veronica and Eli's door, disturbing them from whatever they were doing and inviting them to join me.

As I rushed down the stairs, I nearly tripped over Lucas, who now sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. I gasped as my foot hit his head and I went flying over top of him. I grunted as I landed on my belly on the ground. Lucas shot up, clearly concerned with the person who had just fallen on him. He came around to my head and extended his hand to me.

"Sorry 'bout that." I apologized, as I grabbed his hand and stood up.

"It's no problem, where you in such a rush to get to?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me teasingly.

"I'm heading to the lake for a swim. You can come if you want!" I said excitedly. Yesterday he'd been a lot of fun, wrestling and throwing us into the lake like only a strong, jock could. I wanted a repeat of yesterday's fun, including the flirting feeling radiating from Lucas and Ronnie. Even if she was sometimes a bit of an attention whore, I still wanted her to be happy.

Lucas nodded a yes and then galloped up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I smiled and I spun around to continue my mad dash down to the dock.

When I got there, I ran right through Nolie and Dylan, who were huddle close together and dove straight into the water. Ronnie was right, it was cold. I swam around a little it then began then began to float on my back in the water. The sky was cloudless and I could feel the sun warming the lake. I sucked in a deep breath and then heard the loud impatient footsteps walking down the dock. My head snapped up to acknowledge Nolie.

I swam toward her knowing she was mad at me for disturbing a picture perfect moment for her and Dylan. "What the hell did you do that for? You scared the living daylights out of me!" She fumed looking at me in indecision. "And you could've gotten my drawings wet," She continued, her eyebrows knitting together in frustration. When Nolie when mad and she has to explain she ends up talking to people like they are four year olds.

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