3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage, Day 4, Part 4

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3 Girls, 3 Guys, 1 Cottage









They looked at each other, rolled their eyes and walked back to the kitchen, me following close behind. Delaynee stopped at the empty case of Mike's hard lemonade.'"You finished the whole thing?" She asked, looking at me as if trying to hold in her laughter.

"Oh, did I?" I looked confusedly back at the case trying to do the math in my head. Nolie giggled and grabbed the bottle from my hand, taking a long swig from the bottle flinching at the familiar burn of the vodka. Delaynee did the same and pretty soon we were all running around the kitchen belting out songs from The Little Mermaid. By the time the guys got home I could barely stand up let alone walk. Delaynee and Nolie weren't doing so well either, they had carried on a half hour conversation about goldfish crackers and how it would be so cool if they could actually swim. I had a feeling it wouldn't be long before they tested out this theory.

When the guys walked into the kitchen the look on their faces was a mix of surprise and disbelief but it wasn't long before they recovered from their state of shock and joined the party.


POV Delaynee

Everyone was completely hammered, and yes, if I must admit, I was pretty drunk as well. The six of us had managed to down a six pack of Smirnoff and most of a twelve pack of beer. By the end of it, most of us could barely walk in a straight line. As Lucas finished his third beer, he tossed the bottle into the sink and did the electric slide over towards the living room. He looked ridiculous as he discoed to the music in his head before Dylan put him out of his misery and turned on the stereo. He cranked the volume up to a deafening volume and as he turned on a techno song, I could feel the bass vibrating in the floor boards.

Everybody migrated quickly to the living room where Lucas and Eli had moved the coffee table in order to make more room to dance. The alcohol, music and bad dancing were too much for me to take so when my cell phone rang, I was happy for an excuse to leave the room. "Hello?" I answered as I slipped into Nolie's bedroom.

"Hey Delaynee, it's me," A familiar voice on the phone answered. I took the phone from my ear and checked the screen to see if there was caller id. "I don't know who 'me' is, but you sound se-" I hiccupped "-xy" giggled quietly to myself.

"It's Will." He replied in a flat voice. "Oh! See! I was right! 'Me' was sexy!" I shouted loudly although I was slurring my words so much I didn't think he could understand me. I hiccupped again then sat down on the bed. "Delaynee, are you drunk?" Will asked, this time, his voice had an expression, shock.

I switched the phone to my other ear and stood up. I stumbled around the large bedroom towards the window. "Only a little," I mumbled, slightly ashamed. I stopped pacing right in front of Nolie's bed when the door suddenly burst open, and a drunken walked Eli.

"Shut off that phone right now." Eli slurred so much I could barely understand what he was saying. I turned to look at him with what I'm sure was a look of shock on my face. He walked up to me and grabbed my phone. He clamped it shut and threw it on the bed. "You can't see him anymore," Eli ordered, a little more clear this time. I almost kicked him in the shins, just to make sure that this was in fact Eli, and not some replica. He was never this forceful.

"Why can't I, Eli?" I snapped at him, while trying to muffle my hiccups again..

"I said so, that's why," He said frowning.

I was suddenly frustrated by his kindergarten response. "Screw you. I like him." I slurred pathetically, as I went to pass him and exit the room.

"Stop," Eli yelled, a little louder this time. I paused with my hand on the door knob and spun around on my heel to face him. "You can't see him anymore," He repeated again, just as loud.

"Because I said so is not a reason for me," I replied, matching his tone of voice, making sure that the people in the living room couldn't hear me over the ear splitting volume of the pop music.

He gazed at me with a stern look on his face. "This guys bad news. I can feel it," He said quieter than before.

His cool facade towards the conversation pissed me off and I stumbled towards him, getting really close to his face and practically spit "I don't believe you." I hiccupped and stumbled back a few steps. Damn you hiccups.

His face went all red before he took a step forward and repeated for a third time, "You can't see him anymore."

Will's statement sent me off the deep end so I shrieked, "Give me one good reason!"

And he did, because before I could continue he threw his arms up in the air and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Because he's mine!"

Wow, I took a step back, eyes widening with shock. Had he really just said what I think he just said? He looked equally as shocked as he slapped both of his hands to cover his mouth. But before either of us could speak, the door behind me swung open intoxicated Veronica and Nolie stood in the doorway.

They were both holding beer bottles as they threw their hands up and yelled "OPA!" in unison. Just then, Ronnie dropped her bottle and watched it as it smashed on the floor. Nolie jumped out of the doorway but Veronica just stood there. "Whoops." She said before looking up at me, "OPA!" She screamed again throwing her hands up over her head. I was not in the mood for this.

"GET OUT!" I screamed so loud that my voice cracked. Ronnie looked at me and heeded my advice as she skipped back down the hallway. I could hear the music, which was still as loud. Nolie ignored me as she continued to dance gracelessly around her room. I was so upset at the whole situation that as she danced by me I grabbed her by the arm roughly and held her in front of me.

"I can't believe your still friends with her after she kissed Dylan," I spit venomously as she swayed slightly in front of me. The words escaped my lips quickly

before I thought about them. I was so angry, and drunk that I'd slipped up.

I knew that I'd made a mistake when she took a steady step back, looked at me and asked "What?" My heart melted and all the anger that I had built up inside quickly turned to guilt as I realized what I had said. My eyes widened and my hand shot up to cover my face. "Nolie, Oh my Gosh. I'm so sorry I told you that!" I tried to apologize but it was too late. She was already storming out the room. I sighed knowing I couldn't stop her, and then hiccupped.

I thought I was going to hell before but now I know I am.


I'm super sorry I havent posted in a while. With school, homework and all the sports I do its hard to write.



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