Having a hard time adjusting

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She is walking up and down the floor in her living room, she don't really know why she is so agitated, but she can't seem the keep still, to find any rest.

The last four days is kind of a haze, she have been with Tom, they haven't really talked about it, but they have acted like a couple, she don't really know if they are.

Maybe that is it, she don't really know what she want, and she don't really know what they are or aren't, she don't really know if she likes him like that.

It has been amazing sex, like mind blowing, take me to another plane of existence sex, but sometimes she gets a little annoyed of his commanding tone, because he uses it out of bed too.

He makes her feel like a child sometimes, unable to make her own decisions, and that is not easy when you are usually in charge, both in your job and in the bedroom.

She didn't know what to do, she needed to talk to someone, so why not hit two birds with one stone ? She had found out Ben had tried vigorously to get a hold of her the last couple of days but her phone had been dead.

So she send him a message > I am home and I need someone to talk to, are you coming over ? <

She knew Tom would come over later, when he was done with his meetings, he had demanded to get her spare key, another thing that annoyed her.

Ben answered back quickly, even for him and she smiled, he was already on his way.

Finally a word from Amber, hadn't he heard from her today he would have contacted Tom, actually he finds it weird that Tom haven't called or come over to rub his win in his face.

He hurried over to her, she needs to talk, and he told himself he needed to be there to listen, to be there for her, no matter if he liked what she had to say or not.

Had she been with Tom for four days ? He had a hard time imagining it, that would be some kind of new record for Tom then, having a woman staying for 4 days straight.

She opened the door even before he could knock, and pulled him inside, hugging him fiercely, he hugged back, his face buried in her hair, breathing in her scent.

"Where have you been ? I have been so worried Amber, you can't just go off the grid like that for 4 days". He looked at her.

She bit her lip, looking like she didn't really know what to say. "I have been with Tom".

"Oh so you and Tom ? I thought you hated him". She had been with Tom, he felt his heart sink, suddenly feeling jealous of his two best friends.

She sighed and dragged him with her into the living room, he sat on the couch, pulling her into his lap, cradling her and she said. "I don't know about Tom and me, I don't even know if I like him".

"But you have been fucking him right ?" He hated himself for asking that, and hated even more that she nodded.

Her fingers where caressing his neck absentmindedly, running through his hair, and the sensation made him close his eyes. "He is just so.. So bossy, like he thinks I can't do anything by myself".

"But you can, you can do everything, both me and you know that". He was looking up at her, and smiled when she bit her lip and nodded.

She looked confused and he couldn't help but saying. "As much as I like Tom, I don't think he is the right man for you.. Tom is all about Tom, he can't give you what you need, in or out of bed".

"Oh so you think you know everything about what I need ? Do you now Ben ?" She turned her body toward him and looked into his eyes.

His hands grabbed her waist, and for once she didn't complain. "Yes I do Amber, I have known you for a long time, I know exactly what you need and what you want".

Her mouth was slightly open, and she caught her breath, Ben just couldn't resist kissing her hard and wanting, gasping slightly when she requited, grabbing his hair.

He was on his way up the steps to Amber's home, he had been in meetings all day, but constantly found his mind wandering to her, and what she might be doing.

They hadn't really talked about it, but as she had stayed with him for four days, he saw them as a couple, maybe he should talk to her, make sure they were on the same page.

He actually looked forward to seeing her, more than he had thought he would, and he quickly unlocked the door with the spare key she had given him.

He stopped, there was noises from the living room, it sounded like someone moaning rather loudly, and he felt his heart sink.

Tom knew he should just have turned and walked out the door and never looked back, but he couldn't, he just couldn't get his legs to work.

"Oh my God Ben". That was clearly Amber's voice, he didn't know whether to be relieved that it was Ben she was fucking or he should be even more angry.

He walked into the living-room, it was like a really hard slap in the face or maybe a kick right in the crouch, seeing Ben sitting on the couch, Amber riding him hard.

Tom just stared, he wanted to get away, but he felt frozen, then Amber looked up, she jumped up pulling her clothes around her. "Oh shit Tom, you are here ?"

"Well yes darling, and I will be in the kitchen, so please clean up.. you and I need to talk, and Ben, fuck off will ya ?". He just turned and walked into the kitchen, slumping down on a chair.

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