Help and pain

498 28 4

She pushed past Ben and knelt next to Tom on the floor, cradling him as he was crying, knowing that she couldn't give up on him.

"I am so sorry Amber.. I didn't mean any of that". He was shaking and sweat was running down his face.

Amber gently stroked his face, her voice gentle. "Just promise me you will fight this Tom and let us help you okay ?"

"Okay, I think I would like to sleep now". He looked so defeated and very tired, and she helped him get up on his feet.

She looked at Ben and Luke. "I'll be back down as soon as he is sleeping, do something meaningful while I am gone".

Ben looked at her and then at Tom, to make sure it was safe to let them be alone, then he nodded. "Get him to bed, then we talk".

Tom let her help him upstairs, where she got him out of his clothes and tugged him into bed, gently stroking his hair.

"Amber ? Are you going to be here when I wake up ?" He looked up at her, pain and fear in his eyes.

She kissed his forehead softly. "I promise you Tom, I am not leaving, this time we are in it together".

"Thank you, I love you so much". He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his mouth.

She smiled squeezing his hand lightly. "I love you to Tom, and now sleep so you can get better".

He closed his eyes and it didn't take long before he was sound asleep.. Amber kissed his forehead softly one more time before going downstairs.

She found Luke and Ben in the kitchen drinking tea. "He is sleeping now, thank you for coming".

"I am just happy we came when we did.. Amber he would have hit you, are you alright ?" Ben is looking at her with concern.

She nodded slowly, wondering what she would have done if he had actually hit her. "I am okay Ben, it wasn't really him".

"Well what do we do now ? He needs help, but how do we help him ?" Ben was looking around at the others.

Luke cleared his throat. "I don't think rehab is the right thing for him, he would feel abandoned and if it came out it would destroy the last bit of reputation he has in the business".

"I'm with Luke, I don't think rehab is the way to go, he would hate for strangers to see him at his worst". Amber said and Ben nodded.

Luke was looking at his ipad, reading something. "I think it is best for him to stay here under observation.. he has only been drinking for about three months and only really bad the last month or a couple of days and he should be through the worst".

"I am staying with him". Amber said as she went to make herself a cup of tea.

Ben shook his head. "You can't watch him all the time, withdrawal from alcohol can get dangerous, so someone needs to be there 24/7".

"I think we should take turns to sit with him until the worst is over, and then ask what he wants to do, I go take the first watch". Luke said..Amber and Ben nodded.

Everything was hurting so much and he was freezing like he was outside in the snow, when he woke up again.. he didn't know how long he had slept, but it was dark except for the light from an ipad in the corner.

"Amber ?" He asked out into the darkness, needing her with him, his brain had already started to run circles around itself, had she left ? Did she still love him ? Was he strong enough to fight this ?

The ipad was put down, and the chair squeaked a little as the person got up.. then the little bed light was turned on, it was Ben. "Shh she is sleeping, she needs it so don't wake her".

He looked around and then spotted her.. she was sleeping on the floor on a mattress, right next to him.

"It hurts Ben, it hurts so much everywhere and my brain keeps telling me that a drink would help". He could feel he was shaking.

Ben grabbed his hand. "This is what you need to fight Tom, the next couple of days will be bad, but we will be here with you".

"Thanks, I just wish it didn't hurt like this, that I could just sleep again". He said, knowing that he wasn't gonna get any more sleep as long as he felt like this.

Ben picked something up from the bedside table. "I can help you with that, Luke talked to a doctor and this is something for the pain and something to help you sleep.. it will make it easier".

He handed him two pills and a bottle of water, and Tom swallowed the pills with most of the water, hoping it would really help.

"Thank you Ben, for being here once again and for stopping me from the biggest mistake of my life". He held out his arms and Ben leaned in to hug him.

When Tom let him go he stood up. "No problem, I told you, I were going to help you get back on track, but sleep now, hopefully you are a little better in the morning".

Ben went back to his chair and Tom laid back down, about 15 minutes later he could feel the meds kick in, and soon he was drifting of.

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