Meeting mom

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"He is bringing you to his moms house ? Wow, he normally never bring women to meet his mother". Ben said. Amber had just phoned him, being close to panic.

He was impressed.. so Tom was really serious then, he had to be when he was taking her to see his mom and showing her of on the red carpet next week.. he never did that.

"Ben I am so afraid she is going to hate me, she probably won't think me good enough for her only son". Amber was sounding nervous.

He chuckled lightly. "Don't worry sweetie, Tom's mother is actually very nice and not stuck up in any way, so relax".

"But.. But what should I wear ?" He could hear that she was frantically searching through her clothes.

Ben scratched his head. "Just something relaxed, it is not the Queen, so pants or a decent skirt and a pretty blouse".

"So no skin tight leather I guess ?" She said giggling and Ben couldn't help but laugh at the idea.

"I am pretty sure Tom wouldn't let you in the car if you did, but give it a try". He said.

She huffed. "Arg no, he would probably spank me if I even thought about that, so I think jeans and a blouse will do, thank you Ben, talk to you soon". She hung up.

He was waiting downstairs while Amber was getting changed, they had gone by her house, so she could get some clothes.

Actually he was a bit nervous, he didn't usually bring women to meet his mother, and he hadn't gotten up the courage to call her and tell her he was bringing someone.

He knew Amber was worried that his mother wouldn't like her, but he knew his mother would love Amber.. actually she would probably be so relieved he finally brought someone home that she wouldn't have cared who it was.

She was coming down the stair, and he smiled at her. "Is this okay Tom ? Do I look presentable ?"

"You look absolutely beautiful darling". And it was the truth, she had on a pair of skinny jeans and dark blue cashmere sweater, which hugged her body softly. She had only a light make-up on and her hair was tamed into a low messy bun.

She came downstairs and he pulled her into his arms, kissing her softly. "Don't worry darling, my mother is gonna love you".

"You are not going to knock ?" They were walking up to the big white house, and Tom just opened the door and walked in.

He turned to look at her. "No, we never knock when we get home, my mother has told us to always just walk in".

  He walked inside and closed the door behind them, suddenly a young blond woman was throwing herself around Toms neck, hugging him fiercely. "You are late Tommy".

"Don't call me that Emma, I didn't know you were home". He said, hugging her back and smiling happily.

She let go of him and looked from him to Amber. "Well it was a spur of the moment decision, and who might this be Tom ?"

"Oh I'm sorry, Emma this is my girlfriend Amber, Amber darling, this is my baby sister Emma".

Emma pulled Amber into a hug, she looked a lot like Tom and she hugged like Tom too. "Hi Emma such a pleasure to meet you".

"Oh the pleasure is very much mine, finally my brother actually brings someone home, we were starting to worry". She said smiling.

Amber turned to Tom. "So you haven't told you mother you are bringing me today ?"

"Well no, it is a surprise". He answered, his cheeks blushing a bit, Amber felt herself getting even more nervous.

Emma's eyes lighted up and she literally ran out the room. "Mom, mom Tom have brought his girlfriend".

"Oh stop Emma, don't tease an old lady like that". A voice sounded from the other room, and Amber grabbed Toms arm.

They could hear footsteps and then Emma's voice again. "I am not, come see, she is so beautiful".

Emma was coming back into the room, literally dragging her mother by the arm, a sweet looking middle-aged woman with grey hair.

"Emma don't drag mom like that". Tom said sternly and walked over to hug his mother tightly.

When he let her go, he said softly. "I know I should have called, but mom this is Amber, my girlfriend, Darling this is my mother Diana".

"Oh Thomas finally". His mother looked up at him, looking like she could cry and squeezed his arm.

Amber walked over slowly. "Hello Mrs Hiddleston, I am so honoured to meet you, I hope it is okay Tom brought me ?"

"Of course dear, and please call me Diana". She opened her arms hugging Amber warmly.

Then she beckoned them to follow her. "Come on kids, the lunch is on the table".

Amber heard his mother mumble to herself, but high enough for everyone to hear. "I am going to get the most beautiful grandchildren ever".

Emma snickered and slapped Tom on the shoulder.. he was rolling his eyes, but smiling ever so happily at the same time and Amber felt herself blush deeply.

Naugthy games (a Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch story)Where stories live. Discover now