Talking things through

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"Amber ? Amber are you okay ?" He was gently stroking her cheek and she started to stir.

Her eyes blinked a couple of times and she looked up at him confused. "What just happened Tom ?"

"Well darling, you kind of fainted". He couldn't help but chuckle, admittedly this had never happened to him before.

She looked angrily at him, and hit him in the chest with a fist. "Uh you.. You.. It's your fault".

"My fault ? What did I do ?" He was smirking, this was way to much fun and he was already in a great mood.

She rolled her eyes at him, but this time he lets it slip. "What you did ? Seriously Tom, are you asking me that ? You just want me to say it don't you, okay then, you made me cum so hard I fainted, happy now ?"

"Well actually yes, I never had that happen before". He knew he looked like a kid on christmas morning.

She shook her head and giggled. "Oh Lord, you are actually proud aren't you ? And no I never had it happen before either".

"Maybe a little, I mean it wasn't because it was bad was it ?" He rested his head on her stomach and enjoyed the feeling of her hand running through his hair.

She giggled again when he kissed her stomach. "No of course not and you already know that".

"I love you Amber, I truly do, I didn't even think myself capable of love before I met you and I am so sorry about that bet". He looked up at her.

She smiled gently, pulling lightly on his hair. He followed her pull and she looked into his eyes. "I love you to, but I guess I already told you that downstairs".

He kissed her softly, when their lips parted she ask. "Would you really had let me walk away back down there ?"

"No, I have to admit I was hoping you would react somewhat like you did". He answered, he had been so scared she would actually leave, it had been the point to either save or break their relationship.

She snuggled into him. "What now then ? What are we ? I mean I know you are not keen on public relationships, and that is fine with me".

"You know what, I would like you to go with me to the premiere next week, as my date, officially and I would like it very much if you would go with me to visit my mother tomorrow". He hadn't really thought about it, but it just felt right.

She looked at him, as to see if he is serious. "I would love to Tom, both things, if you are sure ?"

"I never been more sure of anything in my life". He said honestly, he probably needed to talk to Luke about the premiere, if they should put out something in advance or surprise every one.

After Tom had fallen asleep, Amber lied awake, she couldn't sleep, so much had happened in a short time.

She looked at Tom, he looked so relaxed, so happy, as he slept, a little smile playing on his lips.

She was nervous about meeting his mother, she usually wasn't exactly a dream daughter in law and she is quite sure his mother was a real English lady, but she was proud that he wanted to bring her.

The premiere was going to be easier, she had done that before and she was used to the press and the famous people.

She just hoped that dating her and making it public wouldn't  hurt his image even more.

At last she fell asleep, snuggled up to Tom, who had put an arm and a leg around her, trapping her, pressed against his body.

Naugthy games (a Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch story)Where stories live. Discover now