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She had just hugged her only son goodbye for this time, and the wonderful young woman Amber he had brought with him.

Finally he seemed content with a woman and being his mother.. knowing him to the core, she felt that this could very well be the one, the one that made him settle down and be happy.

They had been so very worried about him lately.. he had always been a bit unsettled, a bit to adventures, wanting to see and experience everything, but the last couple of months he had been in trouble.

Normally he cared a lot about other people's perception of him, sometimes even to much, always wanting to be the perfect gentleman in public, but he had suddenly thrown it all away.

And he had been drinking to much, making them all worry, she had even been talking to Luke about taking him to a rehab facility, but Luke had wanted to wait and see, afraid that that kind of publicity would be the straw that broke his career.

She hoped that Amber was what he needed, that she could keep him in line and make the real Tom come back.

He had told he had made up with Ben as well, and Diana had been so happy to hear.. Ben was a good influence on Tom.

He had gotten a call from Ben about Tom, he had apparently had a serious talk with Tom, telling him to get his shit together.

Tom had behaved at the premier keeping a low profile and according to Ben he was back together with Amber, which could only be a good thing, as being away from her had been the reason for his antics.

So he had went to work, trying to get Tom's career back on track, hopefully the industry and his fans was ready to forgive him.

And he had warned Ben to be on the lookout, Tom had been drinking heavily for some time, and Luke had been very close to giving in and getting him in rehab, knowing it would be the last blow to his career given his image.

He might not be able to just stop drinking even if he wanted to, even if he was usually quite stubborn and determined, this could still ruin everything.

When they were driving home she noticed that Tom had gotten a bit pale and he had sweat on his brow. "Are you okay Tom ? You look like you are getting sick".

"I'm fine darling, just a bit of a headache". He said, but she wasn't convinced.

She kept an eye on him and soon she realised that his hands were shaking. "Tom why don't you let me drive ?"

"I got this Amber, you are not my mother, there is nothing wrong with me". He snapped.

She was just about to get angry, but then she realised what was happening, she had seen this way to often not to and she kept quiet.

But she pulled out her phone and texted Ben. 'Need you and Luke at Tom's place in an hour, he is going into withdrawal, don't think I can handle this alone'.

It didn't take long for him to answer 'Don't worry Amber, we will get him through this, we will be there'

She hadn't realised he had been drinking that heavily and she hoped Ben was right, her father had been an alcoholic and to be honest she wasn't going through what her mother had gone through.

"Who are you writing with ?" Tom was eyeing her now, looking a bit suspicious and rapidly looking more and more ill.

She really hoped he was able to drive all the way home or give in and let her drive. "I was just texting Ben.. I promised to tell him how it went".

He seemed to believe that, and well it wasn't exactly a lie, but she still felt like she was doing something wrong, he might get really angry with her.

Naugthy games (a Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch story)Where stories live. Discover now