Claiming her

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"Please just leave Ben okay, I can handle Tom". She had put on her clothes, and now tried to get Ben to leave, she was pretty sure, him and Tom shouldn't get to close right now.

Ben was looking at her with concern. "Are you sure Amber ? I will stay if you want me to, I am not scared of Tom".

"He isn't going too hurt me Ben, I talk to you later okay ?" She pushed him toward the door and he sighed and finally gave in and left.

She breathed in deeply, preparing herself before going into the kitchen, she couldn't really understand Tom hadn't just left, but maybe he wanted to tell her what a whore she was before leaving.
Amber felt really bad, in a way she had never felt before, she had panicked and thought Ben could somehow put her head back straight, and in some way he did.

Seeing Tom there had made her realise she actually liked him, like really liked him, wanting to be with him, liked him, but she had definitely ruined that, he would never forgive her this.

She opened the kitchen door, walking slowly in to find Tom sitting at the table, his face in his hands.

He had heard Ben argue not to leave, and he had been so close to go out there and physically throw him out.

The door opened and Amber walked in, he knew he should tell her they were over, he should tell her to get lost, that he never wished to see her again, but he couldn't.
"What the hell Amber ? I come home to you after a long day of meetings and find you fucking Ben, why ?" He looked at her.

She looks down on the floor, he can see that she is upset. "I don't know Tom, I might have panicked, I am so sorry, I know you can never forgive me, but I am truly sorry".

"Let me decide what I can forgive darling, actually it isn't in my nature to forgive something like this, but as we hadn't established our relationship and I like having you around, I am willing to look past it on some conditions". He looked at her.

She gasps with surprise. "Anything Tom, I would do anything you asked, you can punish me as you see fit".

Maybe he should punish her, but for some reason he just don't feel like it, it just wouldn't feel right.

"First thing, you are mine, for as long as you are with me, you will not touch another man or woman in any way sexual, understood ?". His eyes locked in hers and she nodded.

He breathed in deeply. "And you will do as I tell you to and not complain about it, especially not to Ben, is that clear ?"

"Yes sir, very clear". She looked like she really meant it, and he really hoped she was truthful.

He nodded and says. "And we are going to Ben's house and then you tell him it was a mistake, and that you and him needs to keep a bit of distance and you can only be his friend from now on".

He looked at her sternly, this was vital, and he was relieved to see her nod her head slowly.

"Come over here darling". He put out his arms and she literally threw herself into him, crying softly on his shoulder, and he stroked her back gently.

He couldn't bring himself to fuck her right then, not when Ben has just been there, but he had an almost primal need to claim her, to remove all doubt that she was his.

When she was calm and started cuddling up to him, her warm lips ghosting over his neck, he said calmly. "Get down on the floor on your knees darling".

She did as she was told, right now she was willing to do whatever he wanted to make him happy, so relieved that he forgave her.

He stood up and opened his pants, and she knew what he was going to tell her to do, and she got it, he needed to make her his again, but he wouldn't fuck her ..logically.

"Now darling, I know you think I will ask you to suck my cock, but I won't.. no I am going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours, and I am going to do it hard and deep, so relax darling and breathe through your nose". He was pulling out his already hard cock.

She swallowed hard, she had never done this before, and she was a bit scared, it sounded a bit scary and possible uncomfortable. "Yes sir".

"Now darling open your mouth, and please do keep you teeth out of the way, I promise to start slowly". He gently stroked her hair.

She opened her mouth, folding her lips over her teeth, and he grabbed her hair, sliding his cock into her mouth, she could just exactly fit him in there.

Oh God, he said he was starting slowly, and well yes he was moving slowly, making love to her mouth.. but he was pressing on the back of her throat, sending tears to her eyes at every thrust.

"Doing great darling, you feel so good". His voice was soft, and made her feel proud, she wanted to be a good girl, wanted to make him happy.

As she was getting used to the feeling she actually starts to get turned on, there was something really sexy about being used like that. She never thought she would feel good giving over all pover like this, he was actually deciding whether she got to breathe or not.

He was moving faster now, moaning with each thrust, keeping eye contact with her, and she knew he was making sure that she was okay. He was pressing even deeper now, trickering her gag reflexes.

"Oh darling, remember to breathe, I want you to take all of me..  trust me". His eyes are like a winter storm, and she could hear he was getting close.

For a second she was about to panic.. he couldn't be serious, there was no way she can take all of him, she wasn't sure that it was humanly possible unless you swallow swords for a living.

"Breathe baby, relax and trust me. I promise you, I won't hurt you". His eyes and voice soothed her, and she willed herself to trust him and fully relax, wanting to do this for him.

She could feel him pressing on the back of the throat. She was gagging, it was a physical reaction she couldn't control and she was happy she hadn't eaten for some time.

He pulled back a little giving her time to breath, but then suddenly he thrusted all the way in, she could actually feel him pressing down her throat, making it impossible to breathe at all.

"Oh shit". His words were breathless and he came hard, thrusting hard into her throat a couple of times, sending his load deep into her, where she couldn't even taste it.

  Her eyes were watering and she felt like she was choking, but she was feeling so very turned on at the same time. He pulled out, sweeping her into his arm as she was gasping for air and started sobbing.

He just sat on the floor rocking her in his arms, stroking her her for a while, then he looked into her eyes. "You are mine Amber, remember that".

Naugthy games (a Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch story)Where stories live. Discover now