Better and a big surprise

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When she woke up she realised she was the only one in the room, Tom's bed empty and she hoped that meant he was feeling good enough to be up and about.

He had been in bed for 3 whole days and a night, and had gradually gotten better..looking more healthy.

She got up and put on her clothes, before walking downstairs.. she heard laughter from the kitchen and went out there to find all three men seated at the table.

"Morning boys". She said and they all looked up.. Ben and Luke nodded, their mouths full. Tom jumped to his feet and came to put his arms around her.

He looked so much better, still a bit pale and of course way to thin, but he smiled and the twinkle was back in his eyes.. he had bathed and shaved. "Well hello darling".

"Good to see you up and looking you gorgeous self". She said and snuggled herself into his chest.

He chuckled and ran his hands into her hair, pulling a bit to tip her head back, his lips crashing down on hers, and she couldn't help but moan.. oh yeah no doubt Tom was back.

"Hey you two, someone here do not want a peak show, so save that for when you are alone". Luke said dryly.

Tom winked at her and pulled her with him to the table, pulling her onto his lap, Ben filled a plate and put in front of her, next to Tom's.

"So the premiere is in two days Tom, are you still up to it ?" Luke was done eating and now fiddling with his laptop while speaking.

Tom swallowed his egg and nodded. "Yes I think so, I feel almost back to normal already".

"I think we should keep Amber a secret, let it be a surprise and then be honest if they ask.. if it is okay with Amber ?" Luke was looking at her.

She nodded. "It is fine with me, we can do whatever you think are the best way to go about it".

"I can't wait to show you of darling, everyone is going to envy me when you are on my arm". Tom nozzled his nose against her neck and she couldn't help but squeal.

Ben got a phone call, he looked at the screen and got up. "Sorry, I got to take this".

He walked out of the kitchen, Amber finished her food and got up to clear the plates from the table.

She was just putting them in the dishwasher as Ben walked back in, looking mighty smug. "So Tom I got some news for you.. you remember I told you I would help you get your career back on track as well ?"

"Yeah, what have you done Ben ?" Tom was eyeing him suspiciously, knowing Ben well enough to recognise the smug smile, that meant he had done something he couldn't wait to tell.

He looked at Luke and winked, making Luke smile to. "Well, I might have gotten you a role..just on a small tv show, you might have seen it.. it's called Sherlock".

"You what ? Seriously ?" Tom looked absolutely flabbergasted, his eyes huge, Amber almost dropped the last plate.

Ben nodded. "But you better bring your a game, because I have put my own reputation on the line for you here.. I can't reveal the part yet, but it is a big one and in all episodes, we start shooting in about two months".

"Thank you Ben, I don't know what to say". Tom got up and pulled Ben in to a tight hug.

When he let go of Ben, Amber pulled first Ben into a hug. "Thank you Ben, you are a gem".

Then she put her arms around Tom, kissing him softly. "Congratulations handsome, I am so very proud of you".

Naugthy games (a Tom Hiddleston/Benedict Cumberbatch story)Where stories live. Discover now