Prologue - a letter from home

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Dearest Victorie,

Life is ever so boring without you, every day passes with little amusement, even though there's always a lot of people about. I've been spending mornings in the drawing room with mama, our sisters and the younger boys. You can perfectly imagine how completely boring our drawing room can be. The greatest event of past couple of weeks has been my recent discovery of the poetry by Lord Byron. I found his works in the library, I still can't get used to its endless supplies... Lord Byron's poetry is wonderfully inspiring, you would love it, sweet sister. I should like you to read some of it when you're free from the academy and rehearsals, I am more than certain, that your friend M. Prouvaire will have a copy to lend you.

But enough about poetry! You're probably curious how are the siblings!

Yesterday, Ferdinand-Philippe and Louis rode to the country with papa to hunt. They took François for the first time! You should have seen his excited eyes when papa told him he would be allowed to join them. He's only fourteen but I think it's time he joins the older boys in their activites. Mama thinks so too, she's enjoying it when the boys act like gentlemen even when they're no more than babes. Mama is rather happy when you're not around, she's showing it more now that papa is gone hunting, but I do not think you mind that. Do you?

It's been warmer recently, I believe you have noticed so, and Marie is always out in the gardens with her watercolors. She would spend days from sunrise to sundown out in the air if she could! Mama makes her come inside every day around noon in fear of her complexion loosing its pearl-white shade.

Caroline and Clémentine play on my nerves a lot, especially when I try to read in the drawing room, they simply won't stop talking about the ball next month. I know it's their debut in the society, but they should have the manners to stop voicing their excitement. I'm so glad that father allowed for you to attend the ball! I know that girls would have been heartbroken if you weren't there. I know they begged papa and mama for days before they let you come! It will be so good to have you home again.

Charles, Henri and Antoine took it as their aim to run away from their governess every time she tries to teach them history, causing a lot of trouble. Each time it happens, I cannot prevent myself from laughing. I know it's uncharitable to laugh at poor governess for not being able to take care of three young boys, but Victorie, I'm certain you would laugh even harder than I do.

I know it's been two years, but I still can't get used to you not playing on the harp or reading us your newest stories. (I do hope you will include a new chapter of the novel you've been working on, in your future letters.)

Papa misses you greatly, and I know if he could he would bring you home to be with us, but mama insists. I still don't understand why she has to be so stubborn about you. In those troublesome times, people worry about finding a piece of bread and not about scandals, especially not those who are outdated, and as a family we should stay together.

I await your letter,

Your devoted sister,

P.s. Caroline and Clémentine made me add that you're ought to bring an escort with you to the ball. Clock is ticking, the ball is on your birthday, and I bet father will be interested in the young gentlemen whom you'll decide to bring with you. So you better start looking and bring someone, I quote Caroline, "charming, dashing and handsome". If you ask my opinion, I think they're all being ridiculous but you know what they say... one can't choose a family...

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