Chapter 55

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also I love you all and I hope you like this one! As always let me know what you think in comments!!!! With dedication to my loves marie-alicia alwaysawestruck kkay17 Xoxo

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men,
It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums,
There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes.

The crowd was chanting loudly, making the world around turn into one big song. I felt myself swarming with shivers and shaking with excitement. This was it, the revolution was about to begin. What has began with the trembling beating of the drums and a solemn procession honoring Lamarque, was about to turn into a bloodbath.

Enjolras was an entire crowd away from me, his blood-red jacket was standing out of the grey crowd like a ruby. He was in the first row, chanting the loudest and being the true leader of the revolution. He was supposed to run out and tamper with the procession any second now.

Was I nervous?

Obviously. I was completely, horribly nervous. As far as I knew, I could die any moment. This was it, this was the day we all have been waiting for, and I was scared. All I wanted to do was to be there with them....


"What?" My dad frowned, squinting his eyes at me, "you wished you could be there? Weren't you just telling me you were with them?"

"Well," I mumbled, "that thing might have been a slight lie. That is how I imagine the beginning of the revolution, that is how we have planned it and how the boys executed it," I informed him. "I was supposed to be there. I planned it, for God's sake! And I was there, but not at first... but I could see it all with the eyes of my imagination...


I was actually stuck a mere few blocks away from the revolution. I was warming up before my most important moment at the Opera Populaire. The fate had it in that bizzare way that the day of Lamarque's funeral coincided with the day of my final diploma exam at the ballet school. It was the da that could decide whether I was going to become the etoile of Parisian ballet.

Honestly, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I was not in the mood for smiling and dancing in a powdered color tutu. As much as I wanted to skip it, I had no possibility to do so. From the very morning Ponine and Chetta were at my side, and they could not leave me alone even for a minute. I was quite sure they wanted to pass off their behavior as caring for me after the traumatic almost wedding, but I knew what they were really doing. They were making sure I would not go to the revolution. The revolution that I planned and prepared. And instead of being there, I was stuck in a stupid ballet studio in a tutu and pointe shoes. There was no worse humiliation, no worse way to feel so incredibly, utterly hopeless.

The girls seemed to not understand that, because after all they forced me to come and complete my education, in which I could not see the point. I was going to lose all that I cared for and about to be forced to go back to my dull life at the palace, a diploma in ballet would not help, unless I decided to stay on as the etoile of the ballet. But that... that would have been too painful. I could not live at the cafe musain and be there every night knowing that I will never bring up another jug of wine up to the secret room, that I would never laugh at Grantaire's drunken jokes, get upset at Enjolras for no apparent reason or kiss Courfeyrac in the dark corridor when nobody was looking. I could not stand by helplessly when all of that was happening.

Ballet Shoes, Angel's Hair and Revolution (A Les Misérables fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now