Chapter 11

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A.N: Sorry for the cliffhanger, hope you will enjoy this one and let me know in comments! I'm sending kisses from France! It's quite inspiring and very very Les Miserables around here,
luv you guys!


Before I could even blink, his lips landed on mine, spreading a new kind of fire inside my body. My brain completely stopped functioning, I could feel it melting as he kept kissing me. I didn't know what was happening around me, it was as if the whole world stopped turning and all that existed was he. The walls of the tiny alleyway kept closing in on us, pushing us towards each other, trying to eliminate all the remaining distance between us. I was drowning in his lips. I felt his hands on my waist, taking me in his embrace and pressing me against the stone wall. I sank my fingers in his golden curls pulling his face closer. Our hearts kept beating like crazy, and I wanted him to never stop kissing me.

Then it hit me. What was I doing?

I was closed in a passionate embrace of the leader in red who never noticed me before.

I hated him.

I wanted to pull away but I couldn't make myself. His lips had the sweetest taste, and seemed to fit mine perfectly.

No, I didn't hate him.

But he hated me, he never let me into the society. He shouted at me so many times, he pointed out how useless I was. And yet here he was, kissing me as if his life depended on it. I couldn't blame him. I felt the same. When we break apart the world as I knew it would end. And I never wanted it to end. I wanted to stay like this forever. I had to keep kissing him back.

Yes. I did hate him, I hated him so much.

I felt something weird in my stomach. This was how, I imagine, floating in the air would feel like. My mind was screaming, I couldn't handle it anymore. Oh dear God, I wanted him. I wanted this stupid chauvinistic douche-bag of a leader as I never wanted anything in this world. I felt as if I have never lived before, not until his lips found mine.

I don't know what caused it, maybe it was the lack of air, or the fact that our heads almost began spinning but after what seemed like an eternity, and mere seconds at the same time, we broke apart; slowly, as if none of us wanted to end this moment.

Our heavy breaths were mixing, as our foreheads were rested against each other. We locked our gazes again, his blue eyes were filled with passion. However, before I could say anything or even smiled at him, his eyes turned cold. As if something suddenly snapped inside him, and he took on his marble facade. He pulled away as far away from me as it was possible and leaned nonchalantly against the stone wall. He kept looking at me with an absent gaze and the silence was killing me little by little. I didn't know whether I should say something or remain quiet, I needed explanations. Why did he kiss me? Why did he act so strange right now. He liked it, I knew it, but now, if it wasn't for the ghost of a kiss on my swollen lips, I wouldn't believe that he was kissing me just seconds ago. Looking at him, I knew that things would never be the same from now. I knew it even before we broke apart, but didn't expect this.

"You were right" He spoke finally, making me feel confused, "I should have listened you and changed the place of the rally"

I couldn't help but smirk,

"So will you finally realize that I can be useful?" I asked, hoping that he will show emotions again.

"I guess you can be" He mumbled, looking down at his feet.

"And...?" I raised my eyebrow when he looked at me with confused eyes. He sighed.

"And you can join our society" he said, finally giving up.

I felt my excitement rising inside, and almost forgetting his cold post-kiss treatment, I squealed,

"I always knew you would come to your senses, Enjolras!" I exclaimed. he didn't look as excited as I did. He looked at me with a determined gaze and said,

"But there's one condition"

"A condition?" I frowned, feeling the smile fading away from my face. What was it again, you blond idiot...

"This," he nodded his head at us, "never happened" he declared, coldly. I felt my heart sinking.

"Why?" I asked, trying to sound as if I din't care.

"It's a condition, I don't have to explain myself" he said impatiently, "we either forget about..." he paused as if he didn't want to say it aloud,

"the kiss, say it aloud Enjolras" I almost hissed at him.

"the kiss," he muttered almost with disgust, "or you forget about joining the society"

"But..." I was shocked.

"There's no buts" he snapped.

"But you kissed me too" I couldn't comprehend him. Not at all. Was he really being such a douche.

"Make your choice, Victorie" He avoided looking into my eyes,

I remained quiet. Looking at him with my eyes wide opened, not knowing what to say, not understanding what he wanted me to do.

"Do you really think that our revolution is the most important?" He asked, "Then I'm sure you can handle forgetting a couple of insignificant details about today's rally. Because it's either the kiss or the revolution."

His voice was cold, his words were sharp like knives. I couldn't believe in what he was uttering. Then it hit me. I looked at him with disappointment and disgust. Was it really all his plan from the beginning? Did he really play me like this?

"Is that your genius plan to keep me away from the revolution? To kiss me and hope I cared so much that I'd rather be with you than fight on the barricades?" I laughed at him, his confidence was disappearing from his face, "Did you really think that a stupid minute with you would matter more than saving my country or the lot of you from dying in a stupid way? You really are just a naive little boy." I shook my head in disbelief. God, how stupid was he. I couldn't believe that I let him kiss me in such way. It was a mistake. I looked at him with anger in my eyes, "Guess what, Enjolras? you have a new member of your society" I muttered.

He looked at me with annoyance in his eyes, this was not what he expected. I won. He was leaning against the wall, and I smirked at him. I headed towards the opened end of the alleyway. I was boiling with anger but I couldn't show it. When I was halfway through the alley, I suddenly turned around, to find him in the same position, still dumbstruck.

"And if you ever try saying how useless I am, or how I cannot handle being a revolutionary, the whole society will hear about how you pressed me against that wall and kissed me as if your life depended on it" he looked down at his feet, deprived of anything witty to say, "Because don't deny it, Enjolras, you enjoyed it"

I smirked once more, and turned away. I started walking faster towards the light, towards the people and away from that cursed alleyway. This should have never happened. I shouldn't have shouted his name, I shouldn't have let him run away with me from that rally, I shouldn't have let him drag me into this dead-end street. I shouldn't have let him kiss me. And most of all, I shouldn't have enjoyed it.

I cursed myself.

At least I'm in the society now.

Today, I learned that distracting him was easier than I thought. He wanted me to forget about the kiss. But I wasn't going to. Never. I knew that he could be distracted now, that my plan wasn't at all badly planned. I thought it would take so much longer to cause a situation like this between us. True, this shouldn't have happened, I wanted to play it out in another way, and I shouldn't like kissing him. But I knew there was no other way around it now. I'm officially one of Les Amis de l'ABC, and I need to take the advantage of it. Enjolras thinks that I will obey and act as if nothing has happened between us. He couldn't be more wrong. When he least expects it, I will distract him again. And it's going to be grand.

Ballet Shoes, Angel's Hair and Revolution (A Les Misérables fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now