Chapter 3

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"Enjolras, please calm down" Combeferre who was the first to break the disturbing silence. The leader in red kept sending me death glares but I endured them with a smirk on my face. Oh, how he must have hated me in that moment, "we're just having a small break"

"I believe you waned to say that you were getting distracted" The blonde mumbled turning his tempestuous gaze towards his best friend. Combeferre starred at him intensively as if trying to speak to his senses. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Enjolras' behavior. 

"Oh no! They were getting distracted!  What a terrible thing; engaging in a conversation with a malicious woman!" I cried, mocking him.

"Victorie, don't." Combeferre whispered, almost scolding me, trying to prevent a fight. He was playing the part of  the mediator as usual but none of us ever listened. Not in a moment like this. It was too late to stop a fight when the two of us said a couple too many words or even when one of us looked at the other in a wrong way. Fights between us was inevitable on daily basis. And we all knew that arguments  between me and him were nasty.

"Yes! You clearly are distracting them to sabotage our revolution!" Bursted out Enjolras.

"So it is 'our' revolution now?" I raised my eyebrow in question, partially trying to remain calm but subconsciously trying to pick holes in whatever he was saying.

"No! And it never will be. The women are no-" he started but I didn't let him finish.

"Yes, yes, the women are not allowed into the society, we know it all to well, Enjolras!" I shouted coming closer to the table behind which he was standing. It was all covered in messy piles of papers, "Maybe if for once you stopped preparing battle plans and stupid speeches, you'd notice that women can be useful!" I muttered.

"In what way? Do you call bring snacks and drinks being useful?" He snorted, "because that's the only thing you do!"

"God! How can you be so ignorant! I bring you food because it's my job! Not all of us can afford to live off of their parents money!" Now it was me who kept giving him dirty looks. He seemed touched for a second but his stubbornness quickly took control over him as I exclaimed, "and the only reason why I'm not doing anything useful is because you never let me prove that I can be useful!"

"I won't let you because I know how will it end!" His blue eyes turned almost black from his agitation.

"Would you care to tell me how?" I laughed in a mocking way, "What's so terrifying about a woman joining your revolution?" I shouted,

"I said many times and I'm not going to repeat it any more. Women are a distraction" he muttered through his teeth.

"Is that your only argument?! What are you afraid of?! The boys don't see me as a distraction! So it's only you!" I said stabbing him in his chest with my finger,

"We need to be completely focused if we want to win! And with you it's not going to be possible! And even if the boys say that you're not distracting them, they're wrong. Because whenever you're here, you bring chaos into the meetings!"

"I'm sorry but if they were so engaged in your stupid revolution they wouldn't have dropped everything so eagerly for a little bit of chocolate cake!" I screamed, feeling the tension in the room growing to impossible measures. His face was turning red, almost as red as his red jacket. The rest of the room was perfectly silent. I was hoping that at least downstairs people couldn't hear us, I didn't want to make a scene... I mean, not on a big scale. The boys were used to our scenes and I even knew that sometimes they were placing bets on when and about what is going to be our next argument, who's going to start it and who's going to win.

Ballet Shoes, Angel's Hair and Revolution (A Les Misérables fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now