Chapter 18

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A.N.: so here's something new for my babes! Special dedication for arosetosomeone and tothe_barricades just because I can! Also this Is a very random chapter that I made up like 2 hours ago so I don't know if it makes sense but who doesn't love unexpected plot twists 😎😎😎
- enjoy!

The day at Paris Opera Ballet Academy seemed to be prolonging itself forever. After the morning ballet class, we had a rehearsal for La Sylphide, then a luncheon break and now we were at the barre again. I was tired of repeating the same exercises again and again and I kept gazing out the window to see the wonderful skyline of Paris.

I was so done with that day. My powdered pink leotard was too tight, the tulle skirt was scratching my knees and the pointe shoes were hurting my toes. If someone was ever to tell me that dance was easy they must have never actually danced. To keep myself from feeling too much pain, I kept shifting my thoughts away from the ballet room.

It was the twenty fourth of April already. Which meant that the disastrous party at Courfeyrac's house had happened five days ago. Fortunately Courf hasn't found out about my secret which made me feel safer. For now. It was only a matter of time until his mother would tell him, I knew it. Maybe, I should think of a plan, a safe way of telling him... but there was no safe way of telling that secret! Not to a person with such strong believes as Courfeyrac...

That party turned out to be a double disaster, and no it wasn't because of my torn dress... it was because of that weird incident with Enjolras. The incident I simply couldn't get out of my head...

We kissed in the park... well, he kissed me and then I couldn't control myself well enough. That kiss... even now it made my head spin when I thought about it. As if that kiss was not just a kiss but a drug. Intoxicating, consuming and deadly.  It wasn't a kiss that a gentleman would have stolen from his sweetheart when a chaperone looked away for a moment. No. I couldn't help but revisit that memory in my head, imagining his lips against mine... that kiss was far away from being proper, but it shouldn't be I to judge him for kissing me in such way, since I have done many much more improper things in my life.

I didn't know what was wrong with me. I shouldn't be thinking about him, after all the strange thing happened again. He seemed to not remember about our kiss, he was acting like it never had happened. Like we weren't laying on the cold dark ground, kissing like there was no tomorrow. Every time I looked at Enjolras since that day, I felt myself blushing terribly and he... he remained in his marble mask. Which made me think that he was probably employing his tactics from the rally. Trying to mess with my head and my heart; Kiss me passionately when nobody was looking and pretend that I didn't exist when everyone was around, so that I would quit the revolution. He was stealing my plan. It was I who was supposed to drag him away from the revolution, not the other way round!

"Miss Daée!" I heard a sharp female shout, "come back on earth! You're supposed to be doing fouettés not pirouettes!"

"Yes, Madame LeBlanc" I said quietly, and lowering my head feeling blushes appearing on my cheeks.

"Now get on with it!" The woman shouted again, and I didn't wait any longer. I proceeded to do the exercise.

Madame LeBlanc was really nervous today. I hadn't seen her in such state of anxiety in a very long time. She was known for her exemplary composure, and yet today she was shouting at me as if I was one of the worst students. I realized that something must have happenedvand So I forced myself to stop thinking about Enjolras' annoying lips and focus on dancing. I didn't want to test madame LeBlanc's patience.

Ballet Shoes, Angel's Hair and Revolution (A Les Misérables fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now