Chapter Two

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     I race to the guest bedroom.
"Eliza!" I shout.
She opens the door, her face red.
"Your gay?!?! John, how could you? I trusted you, and your a freaking gay?"
"Eliza..." I begin.
"No! Don't even talk to me! I hate you!" and with that, she threw the picture of Alex with a heart circling his face at the wall, shattering the frame, and stormed out.
"I can't help it! It's not my fault! Please!" I shout at her as she trudges through the snow. Tears stream down my face as I grab my phone and call my pansexual friend, Lafayette.
"Hello? Oh my god John, what's wrong? Are you ok?" he says in reaction to my sobs. I stutter a "no" before he hangs up. A few minutes later he barges through the door, ignoring the snow and comes over to me. He sits me down on the couch, a worried expression on his face. He looks over at the shattered glass in my bedroom, and mutters something about cleaning it later.
"" I manage to force between sobs. Laf pulls out his phone and quickly texts:
From: Lafayette
To: Hercules
Get your ass over here. Bring movies and ice cream NOW ITS AN EMERGENCY. I'll explain when u get here. At John's place. HURRY

From: Hercules
To: Lafayette
On my way. Luv u babe.

From: Lafayette
To: Hercules
Luv u 2

"John, Herc is going to come over, and we're going to have a chill out day. Sound ok?" He asks, using a light and pitiful voice.
"Ok. Can you get my inhaler? It's in the bathroom" I respond, finally calm. He runs to the bathroom, coming back with my red inhaler.
"Asthmas a jerk." I say, giggling after taking 2 puffs. It leaves a sour taste on my tongue. I get up and grab a water bottle from the shelf in my kitchen.
"Want one?" I offer to Laf.
"Sure. Thanks" he says, catching the bottle I tossed. We wait in a comfortable silence for while, and eventually a knock comes on the door and when Herc enters, I almost faint. Not because he had a trash bag full of movies. Not because he had 3 gallons of ice cream. Not because he had the most worried look I had ever seen. But because Alex was trailing behind him.

Authors note
Thanks for reading! And woops sorry for making it so sad. Don't fret! I've got BIG plans for next chapter. Recommend to your friends! Stay safe and happy!

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