Chapter Twelve

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Quick authors note:
Hey guys. Hope you're all holding up ok. I know many of you are upset about politics, but I'm here if you need anything.
John's POV

I grab Alexanders hand, and we get out of the car. Angelica let us use her backyard for the reception because Eliza's out of town for the week. When she heard me and Alex were getting married, she
But anyways, me and Alex are married! We walk around the house to the back, like Angelica told us. I look around amazed. There's a GIANT gazebo, tables, chairs and a stage. We let Angelica pick the dj, we didn't care. Suddenly, Alex grabs my collar and pulls me down onto a kiss. The kiss is hard, and I place my hands on his hips, pulling him closer. We kiss for at least 4 minuets before Angelica wolf whistles and we pull apart.
"Angelica! This is great! Thank you so much." I say, Alex wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Anything for fellow gays." says Angelica. Her and Eliza don't get along, and neither do Eliza and Peggy. Peggy was born as Parker, so that's why they don't get along. Guests start arriving, all of them congratulating us. Suddenly, I see Peggy skipping towards me.
"JohnandAlexIhavereallybignews!!!!" she shouts.
"What?" I ask, eager for more information.
"I'm getting top surgery in a month!" she shouts.
"Peggy that's great! I'm so happy for you!" I scream, me and Alex pulling her into a hug.
"I know! I'm so excited!" she squeals. Now, she drops her voice to a whisper.
"So you see that girl over there? The one with curly hair? Do you think I have a shot?"
"Say no more." Alex says. He walks over to her, and  she looks back at us. She smiles slyly, making her way over to us.
"Hey hot stuff. Wanna dance?" She asks. Peggy nods excitedly as they make their way towards the dance floor.
"That's my friend Maria, from high school." Alex says.
"Oh. Nice." I respond. Suddenly, I hear the dj speak.
"Alright, this one goes to John and Alex. Get out here!" We grab hands and Evette the dance floor. I hear a tune I recognize.
"Wait, is this Same Love?" Alex asks.
"Uhuh." I say, smiling. Me and Alex 'dance', which just means we sway our hands, kissing occasionally. Or NPR so occasionally. But when the dance ends, I've lost count of how many times we were "aww"ed at. I stare deep into Alex's eyes. That boy is mine.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Hope your all good. I've had a long week, even though I was only in school for three days. Thank you all for your supportive comments. They really have helped a lot. Gn.


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