Chapter Seventeen

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Alex's POV
We are about to walk in the building, and John looks me in the eye.
"Are you sure you want to adopt kids?" he asks.
"Positive." I reply. We walk into the agency, and are greeted by a familiar face.
"Out," Eliza says, "out of this establishment. NOW!" She screams, pointing at the door.
"No" John mutters.
"WHAT?!?!" Eliza screams.
"NO. IF I WANT TO ADOPT A CHILD, I'M GOING TO DO JUST THAT." I scream, and both of them seem quite taken aback. John wraps his arm around my waist, showing we aren't leaving without a child. Eliza walks us to a door, then points at it, signaling to go in. We push open the doors, and see at least 20 children, scattered around.
"Let's go." I say, and we both walk in different directions. I walk over towards a small group of children, all of whom are playing with dolls.
"Hey guys. My name is Alex, and what are your names?" I ask, using a delicate tone.
"This is Hunter, he doesn't talk much. My names Lily. This is Parker and this is Benjy." Lily says, pointing at the people she's introducing.
"Hi! You said your name's Allie, right?" Parker asks. I stifle a laugh, than say "Yes."
"Hi Allie." Hunter mutters.
"Hey! Can you guys tell me about yourselves?" I ask.
"I'm 2, and I like reading and I'm very excited for school." says Hunter, and right then and there, I know he's the one.
"John?" I call after all the other kids have gone, and he comes over.
"Yeah babe?" John responds.
"I found the perfect one. His name's
Hunter." I whisper.
"Let's meet him then!" He whispers back. I walk over to him, and he is curled up on the couch, reading a book.
"Hey Hunter. Can we talk?" I ask, and he places a bookmark in his book.
"Sure Allie." he responds.
"Hi Hunter. I'm John, Allie's husband." John waits for a reaction, but never received one.
"Who taught you how to read?" I ask, attempting at a conversation.
"Miss Angie. She went away though." Hunter mutters, and I know he is talking about Angelica Schuyler.
"Very nice." John says. We talk for a while, and Hunter is really cool. Eventually, they are pulled aside for nap time.
"Babe, I love you, but I don't care what you say, we are taking that kid home." John says once all the children have left the room.
"I'm glad you agree." I reply, and we walk into the office.
"We want Hunter Benson. Thank you." John says curtly. We fill out the necessary paperwork, then walk into the play area. The children file in, and when Hunter walks in, I tap his shoulder.
"Hello Hunter. Did you enjoy your nap?" I ask.
"Yes sir. Very much, Allie." he says, and I find a smile creeping across my face.
"How would you like to come home with me and John?" I say.
"Yes Hunter, forever." John says hopefully.
"I would really like that." Hunter says.

Authors note:
Hey guys! I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Special thanks to JamesMadisonIsMe for coming up with Hunters name! Ok bye now.


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