Chapter 9

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Johns POV
"Baby, I got the week off, so do you want to plan the wedding?" I say, pulling a shirt out of my drawer.
"No, I don't want to plan the rest of my life with you, that's exactly why I proposed" Alex says jokingly.
"Ok, well, how about I make breakfast then we can talk. Oh, and its breakfast in bed, so you are not allowed to get up." I say, a joking threat in my voice. I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I pull bacon out of the freezer, and pull out a cookbook.
"Waffles...waffles..." I mutter to myself, rummaging through the cookbook. I find the recipe, and start pulling out ingredients. I follow the directions, adding an extra teaspoon of sugar. Alex loves sweet food. When I finish the waffles, I start on the bacon. I pull out the largest pan and place the bacon in. When I finish cooking the bacon, I garnish the dish with a little bit of yoghurt and strawberries. I carry the tray to the bedroom, humming slightly. When I open the door, I see Alex has fallen asleep again, and gosh, is he adorable. I kiss his forehead lightly, waking him up.
"Hey John." he says groggily.
"Hey babe. I made waffles, bacon and yoghurt." I respond. Alex sits up and accepts the tray I was offering. He licks his lips, and I giggle when he basically inhales the food.
"I wike du wuffes wif extwa suga" he forces out of his mouth stuffed with food.
"I'm sorry, I'm going to need an English translation. I don't speak adorable." I say.
"I said, I like the waffles with extra sugar. And maybe you may not speak adorable, but your face does." he jokes lightly. I giggle, and take his fork and try the waffle. I'm actually really proud of what I made.
"Dang, I did good on these." I say after swallowing my food.
"I'll say." is Alex's response. He picks up the spoon and scoops up some yoghurt, and feeds me. I giggle when he misses and gets yoghurt all over my lower lip. I throw my head back in laughter. Alex kisses me, and gets some yoghurt on his lower lip.
"Ok, now you really need to stop." I say.
"Stop what?" He asks.
"Being so adorable." I joke. He wipes off the yoghurt on my face with his finger, licking it off.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you more."

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, schools been a killer. And sorry this chapter is just a filler, but anyways, thanks for reading. Love you guys.


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