Chapter Nineteen

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Hunters POV
I stare at the book, but not reading. I'm just too excited! My dads are in my room, doing something secret(XD sorry that sounds dirty it's not tho).
"Huuunter it's reaaaaady!" John-Dad calls.
"Ok Daddy." I call back. When I step into the room, I am amazed! They have painted it green with blue stripes. The bookshelf is filled with books.
"Thank you! I love it so so so so much!" I exclaim. They hug me, and Alex-Dad picks me up.
"Do you want to meet our friends? They are really nice." Alex-Dad asks.
"Ok." I respond. John-Dad steps into the hallway to call them. When he finishes, he talks to Alex-Dad.
"They are on their way." John-Dad says.
"Don't they have better things to do other than waiting for friends to call them?"
"No." my dads say simultaneously. I laugh, and Alex-Dad kisses my cheek. I giggle, because that's the first time one of them has kissed me. I like it.

John POV
Lafayette and Hercules enter the apartment.
"So this is Hunter?" Hercules says after our 'hellos'.
"Yes sir." Hunter says. Alex is in the kitchen making dinner, and the four of us are sitting on the couch, making small talk.
"Bring up your plates!" Alex calls from the kitchen. We do as we are told, and sit down.
"Dad, may I please say grace?" Hunter asks.
"Yes." Alex and I say together.
"Dear Lord, please bless us for the food we are about to receive. Let us be blessed for how lucky we are to have such wonderful people in our lives, and how loved we are. Thank you for giving me the greatest Dads in the world, and thank you for everything else I have to be thankful for. Amen."
"Amen." the rest of us say together. I place my left hand on my lap, and Alex grasps it. I smile, and begin to eat my food.
"Alex, this is amazing! Where did you learn this, eh, how you say? Recipe! It is very good." Lafayette says, his strong French accent thick.
"My mother taught me when I was very young. Thank you." Alex says uncomfortably while squirming in his seat.
"What's wrong?" Hercules asks.
"'s nothing. I'm fine." Alex replies, staring at his plate. We finish dinner, and Hercules and Lafayette go back to their place. In the bedroom, I ask
"Babe, why did you feel so uncomfortable at dinner?"
"Jus-just talking about my mom..." Alex doesn't need to finish the sentence.
"Aw baby...I'm sorry." I say, grabbing his hand and bringing him over to the bed. I kiss his cheek, and he blushes a bit. Well, a lot.
"G'night Alex." I say, crawling under the covers.
"Yeah Alex?"
"Can I have a hug?" he asks, and that's when I notice the tears creeping down his cheeks. I wrap my arms around him, and he buries his head in my chest.
"Shh...Lexy, it's alright..." I whisper in his ear. He sobs for a good ten minuets before falling asleep in my arms. When I notice this, I lay down, Alex still in my arms, and fall asleep.

Authors note:
Hey guys! I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating in forever. Life is being a butt. Sorry this chapter is crap, but I'm trying. Thanks for reading! Hope you all have a great day💕 Love you!


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