Chapter Twenty-One

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Alex's POV
"Alex, how tall are you?"
"Five-seven." I reply, finishing my essay for my day job and going over to sit on John's lap. When I give him my answer, he bursts out laughing.
"Five-seven!?!? Awe, that's adorable." John says, wiping away tears of laughter. I nuzzle my forehead into John's neck, and say "Well you're like 6.2, so of course I seem tiny." I gaze up at his face, examining its features. His caramel-brown eyes, the freckles placed perfectly around his nose and cheeks, and his lips. Oh gosh, his pink, soft, perfect lips. Hunter is off at daycare, and the hours seem to drag by without him. There's a bus that drops him off at home, so he should be here momentarily.
"John, our anniversary is coming up, and I've saved enough money for you and I to take a trip..." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Ok, I guess we could get Angie and Peggy to watch Hunter, where did you have in mind?" John asks.
"It's a surprise." I reply, feeling the excitement grow between both of us. I realize, it's been almost a year. I spent a year married to the man of my dreams.

I grab John's hand as we walk onto the plane. He grabs it tightly, and we pull our suitcases along.
"Alex? I'm scared." John says as we sit down. His face is draining in color, and he grasps my hand tighter.
"Baby, don't be. We're going to Plymouth, England, alright? Put your head on my shoulder, fall asleep, and we'll be there before you know it." I coo. He places his head on my shoulder, but not before sneaking a quick kiss on the lips. He shakes a little when we lift off, but falls asleep quickly on my shoulder. I kiss his forehead and soon follow him in sleeping.

"I'm trying! It's hard in the dark." I retort to John, who was making fun of my driving. I pull up to the hotel, and we get out of the car.
"Finally. My legs hurt." John whispers, because it's 2 am. We walk into the inn we're staying at, and the bartender welcomes us.
"Ello! 'Ow can I help you?" The friendly clerk asked.
"Hi, we have a reservation under Hamilton." John says. She smiles, and pulls out a book.
"Follow me. My names Maria, by the way." She smiles, and opens the door.
"Nice to meet you. Have a good night." I respond, and pull John into the room. He peels off his shirt, pulls on pajama bottoms and crawls into the bed. I do the same, and snuggle up against his chest, falling asleep immediately.

Hey guys. Please forgive me for not updating in a while. It's a long story. Anyways, hope u guys are alright. Love u.


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